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Every potter should have one of these. This one has a Bartlett Genesis electronic controller, you will never go back after having one. Start with a kiln like this and then graduate to having a large, second kiln. We have done 950 firings on this one in the past few of years, it is still like new. Ongoing testing is the key to the constant development of your products and their quality.
This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.
Very well endowed with elements. From the back view you can see how simple the wiring is on a kiln like this.
Articles |
Electric Hobby Kilns: What You Need to Know
Electric hobby kilns are certainly not up to the quality and capability of small industrial electric kilns, being aware of the limitations and keeping them in good repair is very important. |
Glossary |
Test Kiln
A test kiln is a must for all potters and small manufacturers, even serious hobbyists. Here is why. |
Glossary |
Kiln Controller
In ceramic kilns the firing schedule is typically managed automatically by an electronic controller. But that may not mean that ware gets automatically fired to the correct temperature and atmosphere. |
Glossary |
Kiln Firing
All types of ceramic are fired in a kiln to cement particles together to produce a hard and water and temperature resistant product. |
URLs |
Wide selection of glass, clay, metals, jewelry, blade kilns. Especially smaller sizes. Brands in 2024: Evenheat, Jen-Ken, Olympic, Hot-Shot, Cress, Paragon, Heat Treat Now. |
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