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0.8mm thickness | 200 mesh | 325 mesh | 3D Design | 3D Modeling | 3D Printer | 3D Printing Clay | 3D Slicer | 3D-Printing | Abrasion Ceramics | Acidic Oxides | Agglomeration | AI in Ceramics | Alkali | Alkaline Earths | All-in-one case mold | Amorphous | Apparent porosity | Artware | Ball milling | Bamboo Glaze | Base Glaze | Base-Coat Dipping Glaze | Basic Oxides | Batch Recipe | Bisque | Bit Image | Black Core | Bleeding of colors | Blender Mixing | Blunging | Body Bloating | Body glaze Interface | Body Warping | Bone China | Borate | Boron Blue | Boron Frit | Borosilicate | Breaking Glaze | Brick Making | Brushing Glaze | Calcination | Calculated Thermal Expansion | Candling | Carbon Burnout | Carbon trap glazes | CAS Numbers | Casting Slip | Casting-Jiggering | Catch Glaze | Celadon Glaze | Ceramic | Ceramic Binder | Ceramic Decals | Ceramic Glaze | Ceramic Glaze Defects | Ceramic Ink | Ceramic Material | Ceramic Oxide | Ceramic Slip | Ceramic Stain | Ceramic Tile | Ceramic Transfer | Ceramics | Characterization | Chemical Analysis | Chromaticity | Clay | Clay body | Clay Body Porosity | Clay Stiffness | Clays for Construction | Clays for Ovens and Heaters | Co-efficient of Thermal Expansion | | Coil pottery | Colloid | Colorant | Commercial hobby brushing glazes | Cone 1 | Cone 5 | Cone 6 | Cone plaque | Copper Red | Cordierite Ceramics | Crackle glaze | Cristobalite | Cristobalite Inversion | Crucible | Crystalline glazes | Crystallization | Cuerda Seca | Cutlery Marking | Decomposition | Deflocculation | Deoxylidration | Differential thermal analysis | Digitalfire API | Digitalfire Foresight | Digitalfire Insight | Digitalfire Insight-Live | Digitalfire Reference Library | Digitalfire Taxonomy | Dimpled glaze | Dinnerware Safe | Dip Glazing | Dipping Glaze | Dishwasher Safe | Displacer | Dolomite Matte | Drop-and-Soak Firing | Drying Crack | Drying Performance | Drying Shrinkage | Dunting | Dust Pressing | Earthenware | Efflorescence | Encapsulated Stain | Engobe | Eutectic | Fast Fire Glazes | Fat Glaze | FDM, SLA, SLS, MEX 3D printing technologies | Feldspar Glazes | Fining Agent | Firebrick | Fireclay | Fired Strength | Firing Schedule | Firing Shrinkage | Flameware | Flashing | Flocculation | Fluid Melt Glazes | Flux | Food Safe | Foot Ring | Forming Method | Formula Ratios | Formula Weight | Frit | Fritware | Functional | GHS Safety Data Sheets | Glass vs. Crystalline | Glass-Ceramic Glazes | Glaze Blisters | Glaze Bubbles | Glaze Chemistry | Glaze Compression | Glaze Crawling | Glaze Crazing | Glaze Durability | Glaze fit | Glaze Gelling | Glaze laydown | Glaze Layering | Glaze Mixing | Glaze Recipes | Glaze shivering | Glaze Shrinkage | Glaze thickness | Globally Harmonized Data Sheets | Glossy Glaze | Green Strength | Grog | Gunmetal glaze | High Temperature Glaze | Hot Pressing | Incised decoration | Industrial clay body | Infill and Support | Ink Jet Printing | Inside-only Glazing | Iron Red Glaze | Jasper Ware | Jiggering | Kaki | Kiln Controller | Kiln Firing | Kiln fumes | Kiln venting system | Kiln Wash | Kneading clay | Kovar Metal | Laminations | Leaching | Lead in Ceramic Glazes | Leather hard | Limit Formula | Limit Recipe | Liner Glaze | Liner Glazing | Liquid Bright Colors | LOI | Low Temperature Glaze | Majolica | Marbling | Material Substitution | Matte Glaze | Maturity | Maximum Density | MDT | Mechanism | Medium Temperature | Melt Fluidity | Melting Temperature | Metal Oxides | Metallic Glazes | Micro Organisms | Microwave Safe | Mineral phase | Mineralogy | Mocha glazes | Mohs Hardness | Mold Natches | Mold Shell Flange | Mole% | Monocottura | Mosaic Tile | Mottled | Mullite Crystals | Native Clay | Non Oxide Ceramics | Oil-spot glaze | Once fire glazing | Opacifier | Opacity | Ovenware | Overglaze | Oxidation Firing | Oxide Formula | Oxide Interaction | Oxide System | Particle orientation | Particle Size Distribution | Particle Sizes | PCE | Permeability | Phase Diagram | Phase 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Tension | Suspension | Tapper Clay | Tenmoku | Terra Cotta | Terra Sigilatta | Test Kiln | Theoretical Material | Thermal Conductivity | Thermal shock | Thermocouple | Thixotropy | Throwing | Tipping point | Tony Hansen | Toxicity | Trafficking | Translucency | Transparent Glazes | Triaxial Glaze Blending | Ultimate Particles | Underglaze | Unity Formula | Upwork | Variegation | Viscosity | Vitreous | Vitrification | Volatiles | Water Content | Water in Ceramics | Water Smoking | Water Solubility | Wedging | Whiteware | WooCommerce | Wood Ash Glaze | Wood Firing | WordPress | Zero3 | Zero4 | Zeta Potential

Code Numbering

In a ceramics lab, studio or classroom specimens of hundreds of glazes and bodies may be present. A code numbering system that links these to written or computer records is essential.

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In the context of this site the term "code numbered" means that a recipe record has been created in an account and that record has been assigned a unique code number. This is analogous to the unique ID number that typical lab notebook software assigns for new tests. We do not imply meaning in any but the first digit of code numbers we make, they simply need to be unique numbers for unambiguous connection with records in the database.

Labs and studios are typically full of hundreds or even thousands of fired test specimens and their source batches (in jars, bags, pails, etc). When these are uniquely identified with code numbers they have permanent informational value and a place in Insight-live where information about them can be updated. Moreover, each of those records can be a starting point from which more testing work and development can be done.

Code numbers written on test pieces cross-reference them with computer records

Even when fired specimens are photographed and discarded, their code numbers continue to be the link between written records and the pictures and data. And as labels for buckets, bags, boxes, reference samples, etc. And for searching within Insight-live.

Insight-live recommends a code number of format X1234, where "X" is the type of test (e.g. lab test, production mix, glaze, body engobe) and '1234' is a sequential number that increments for each new record you add to the system. For a glaze recipe test, for example, code number your first test as "G0001". After that Insight-live will automatically number the next one as G0002, etc. When all the code numbers have 5 digits like this they sort in order. For development projects, where a glaze is being adjusted in some way, add a suffix (e.g. G0001A, G0001B, etc).

Related Information

Are Your Glaze Recipes Lost in Binders or Buried on Your Phone?

A messy binder that someone uses to store their glaze recipes

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Keeping your valuable notes, recipes, test results, pictures and notes in a three ring binder? Or are your pictures scattered across your phone with no keywords or context? If you're testing, adjusting, or developing glazes, bodies, underglazes, engobes, etc. for ceramics, traditional notebooks and binders could be holding you back. With Insight, you can link recipes to each other and to important details like photos, materials and firing schedules. Organize test recipes into projects, classify them, calculate chemistry, and create mix tickets. Research materials and perform keyword searches. Physical notebooks can’t do this—but your account at can!

Code numbers are the key to organizing your studio or lab

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The new ceramics is about data! Everything here has a code number (in the form x1234) that members of our team can search in our group account at We write the numbers on the bottoms of pots, plastic bags of powders/liquids/pugged, buckets, glaze balls, mix tickets, test bars, tiles, glaze samples, drying tests, flow tests, sieve analyses, LOI/water content tests, etc. Glazed fired pieces can have up to three numbers, the body, engobe and glaze. If something is lacking a number it goes in the garbage because it teaches nothing and is therefore taking up pointless space.

Preparing clay test bars to measure plastic, dry and fired physical properties

Preparing bars for the SHAB, LOI and DFAC tests

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This is being done for SHAB, LOI and DFAC tests. The clay was wedged thoroughly, rolled to 3/8 thickness (using the metal rods as gauges) and then cut to 4 1/4" by 1" bars. Code numbers and specimen numbers are stamped on each (these are needed to enter data into our account at Insight-live). For example, notice that the bars have specimen numbers from 1 to 6. These will be fired at six different temperatures (for a low-temperature body, for example, we fire cone 06, 04, 03, 02, 01, 1, 2). The data measured from each, including the temperature, will be entered for each bar (specimen). The 12cm dia. disk is being cut from 3/16" thickness. Notice how these clay tears as cut, this is an indication of the low plasticity of this native clay material. And notice the greenish color, that is typical of terra cotta clays.

Never do ceramic body or glaze testing without code numbers

Two code-number ceramic mugs

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That is how you know what it is. The recipe. The firing schedule. The pictures. The notes. The project it was in, information about what came before it and what developed from it. These mugs and that test bar are the same clay, I am doing a preliminary tests on a new material from our quarry, it is called "Battle Clay". This code number identifies all my records regarding this test mix in my account. In future I can identify the specimens from my records and my records from the code-numbered specimens.

Identifying throwing tests of clay bodies

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If you are doing testing, and everyone should be testing body and glaze variations, then your ware needs to be identified. Do that with a code number that cross references into your documentation in your account at

Stamp used for stamping information onto clay test bars

12 digit rolling stamp

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This type of stamp is ideal for marking code number and ID information on SHAB test specimens (and many others) while in the plastic form. Set up the run or recipe number on the left and the specimen number on the right. You can find these stamps on Amazon by searching "12 digit rolling alphabet symbol number stamp".

Every studio, lab, classroom needs a good label printer

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This is an Epson LW-600P (replaced by the LW-PX400 in 2021, but still available on eBay). It generates durable water-proof labels that are perfect for identifying buckets and jars of materials and glazes. Apps are available for iOS, Android, Windows and Mac. You can insert a QRCode on to a label (perfect for taking someone to an SDS or information page). Insight-live emphasizes assigning unique code numbers to all recipes you create and maintain, this is the perfect way to prominently display it. We find the yellow 18mm labels work well to display code numbers (the white 22mm for detail). The cartridges snap in in seconds so it is easy to change them. While the printer does support blue-tooth, enabling anyone with a phone to use the device, for routine label-making it works best when USB-connected on a desktop computer (the app works better and there is no waiting).

Here's how we used to record test results before

An example of how a potter presents side by side glaze recipe tests

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Side-by-side presentation. That’s the best. But I magine if you could put, side by side; the recipes, pictures, notes, data, of any recipe test you had ever done. Even results of testing you did on commercial prepared glazes and glaze combinations. And be able to link, search, print, share them. That’s what you do in Insight-live. Pottery has always been about the data, we just let that information die before! Now we can learn so much more from it. Photo courtesy of Brielle Rovito, Burlington, Vermont, USA.

Inbound Photo Links

John Porter’s fired glaze samples are being catalogued


Glossary Digitalfire Insight-Live
A cloud-hosted ceramics-targetted LIMS (lab info management system) enabling collection, organization and learning from data to develop, adjust and study their recipes, materials and processes.
By Tony Hansen
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