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I did this batch-to-formula glaze chemistry calculation on a version of Desktop Insight that ran on the TRS-80 Model I that I used at home (shown here is my Model III at work, running Insight). The TRS-80's were the first popular consumer micro-computers for business. Notice the report only uses capital letters, that machine did not support lower case! The dot matrix printers of the time lasted forever on an ink ribbon. Fanfold paper fed from a box, I could tear off only as much as was needed for a report. Boot time was less than 5 seconds. Here is what is amazing: In 2021 I found this same recipe in my Insight-live account (the green screenshot)! The results are a little different, I had the chemistry of talc wrong in 1980. I have always maintained my records on computer and through the years, as I migrated from one system to another, I wrote code to carry the data forward. This machine was advanced, before this I was storing data on cassette tape.
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