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Why did this happen? There is a perfect storm of factors. Draining, during slip casting, creates suction and slip is heavy (having a specific gravity 1.8 times heavier than water). And this mold is tall with a narrow neck. So that creates a lot of suction. A slip having inadequate fluidity complicates draining. This shape is also simple and the mold surface is smooth and releases well. How can this issue be avoided? Draining the mold carefully, holding it near horizontal for much of the drain. And using a well deflocculated slip.
Glossary |
Slip Casting
A method of forming ceramics. A deflocculated (low water content) slurry is poured into absorbent plaster molds. As it sits in the mold, usually 10+ minutes, a layer builds against the mold walls. When thick enough the mold is drained. |
Troubles |
Casting Slip Problems
Casting slips are deflocculated in order to reduce water content. It is important to understand this phenomenon and know how to assess a slurry to know what it needs. |
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