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Earthenware is what indigenous cultures have made for millenniums. Ware is fired at low temperatures with bright colors. I put a lot of effort into this process, trying to develop methods, clays and glazes that make it practical for functional ware.
Array ( [picture_id] => 3220 [moddate] => 2023-03-30 20:04:07 [title] => Earthenware mugs [ai_notice] => [on_sale] => 0 [price] => 0.00 [alttag] => [titletag] => [metadescrip] => [metakeys] => [S3URL] => [S3Date] => 2023-03-30 20:05:02 [url] => [picture_date] => 2023-03-30 20:04:28 [path] => images/pictures/ [filename] => wq2hovygcs.jpg [deleted] => 0 [notfound] => 0 [descrip] => Earthenware is what indigenous cultures have made for millenniums. Ware is fired at low temperatures with bright colors. I put a lot of effort into this process, trying to develop methods, clays and glazes that make it practical for functional ware. [disqualify] => 0 [timelinephoto] => 0 [timeline_name] => [plainsman] => t2 [insight_help_id] => 0 [fullpath] => /var/www/ [fullurl] => )Buy me a coffee and we can talk