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This type of stamp is ideal for marking code number and ID information on SHAB test specimens (and many others) while in the plastic form. Set up the run or recipe number on the left and the specimen number on the right. You can find these stamps on Amazon by searching "12 digit rolling alphabet symbol number stamp".
Available on the Downloads page
This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.
Use this to make length marks in standard SHAB test bars (for testing clay body or clay material drying shrinkage, firing shrinkage and fired porosity). This can be 3D printed. The markers are 10cm apart (outside edges). Most printers can achieve this measurement accurately. To be sure check yours using a caliper, if it is not close to 10cm adjust using sand paper or reprint using an adjusted dimension.
Articles |
Firing Clay Test Bars
Being able to make good consistent test bars and fire them in a consistent and proper way is a basic requirement of getting valid results for shrinkage and porosity measurement. |
Glossary |
Physical Testing
In ceramics, glazes, engobes and bodies have chemistries and physics. To fix, formulate and adjust their relative importances in each situation need to be understood. |
Glossary |
Code Numbering
In a ceramics lab, studio or classroom specimens of hundreds of glazes and bodies may be present. A code numbering system that links these to written or computer records is essential. |
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