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This drawing was done in Fusion 360. It is parametric so you can change measurements to adapt it to the shape needed and the size of the cuphead on your jigger wheel. 3D print the shell mold for the outside shape of the bowl, fill it with plaster and smooth and sand it for a perfect surface. Then 3D print the shell of the outside of the jigger mold. Invert both onto the wheelhead of a level potter's wheel. Stick the model down using a sticky clay slip (center it also and apply mold soap). Then stick down the shell around it (centering it). Pour it full of plaster to make a working mold. Finally, adjust the hole locations on the template to mount to the jigger arm, 3D print it (with infill until it has proven to work well). Video coming soon about how to draw this in Fusion 360.
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