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Here is what happens when a glaze has too much raw clay

A high clay glaze is cracking

This is an example of how a glaze that contains too much plastic clay has been applied too thick. It shrinks and cracks during drying and is guaranteed to crawl. This is raw Alberta Slip. To solve this problem you need to tune a mix of raw and roasted clay. Enough raw clay is needed to suspend the slurry and dry it to a hard surface, but enough calcine is needed to keep the shrinkage low enough that this cracking does not happen. Perhaps you have been using a glaze having a high percentage of clay and this does not happen - the reason is likely that the clay is not highly plastic.

Context: Alberta Slip, Alberta Slip 19 F.., G2934 cone 6 matte.., Crawling, Glaze Shrinkage, Glaze thickness, Subsitute Gerstley Borate in.., Powdering Cracking and Settling..

Monday 14th October 2024

The difference lighting can make in photos

This is the same piece in sunlight and a fluorescent flood lamp. The picture was taken by an iPhone and then cropped to a white background using the path tool in Photoshop. The whole mug is glazed with GA10-B. The inside and upper outside of the leather hard piece was engobed using L3954N.

Context: Cutting out the background.., Metallic black effect at.., Bit Image

Monday 14th October 2024

Is Ferro Frit 3124 a viable substitute for Frit 3134?

Three melt from tests comparing these frits

This is a GLFL test comparing the melt flow of the three materials at 1800F. Frit 3124 is barely out of the starting gate and the other two have crossed the finish line! With frits chemistry is a big deal, they are all about supplying oxides to the melt. Frit 3134 is low-alumina/high-boron, 3124 is medium-alumina/low-boron and 3195 is medium-alumina/high-boron. Boron is the melter. Alumina thickens the melt and hardens the glass. Just from this it appears that Frit 3195 is a better starting point for calculations to replace frit 3134.

Context: Substitute Ferro Frit 3134.., Material Substitution, Substitute Ferro Frit 3134..

Monday 14th October 2024

3D printed mold tests of embossed logo

3D printed embossed logo mold

We want to achieve embossed lettering inside the foot rings of slip-cast ceramic pieces by using a standard consumer 3D printer with PLA filament. There are plenty of obstacles to overcome in doing this. Since plaster does not release well at all from lettering having sharp corners, bevelling has to be done. However, our CAD software has problems rounding the corners of many fonts, I had to search for one having no variations in stroke width. Then it was a matter of discovering how much to extrude and how much bevelling it would tolerate - this one permits a 1 mm extrusion with a 0.6 radius bevel.
Left front: A 1mm extrude without bevelling and cold release produced very poor results.
Centre: 1mm extrude, 0.6 radius bevelling, 0.2mm rise of background to minimize verticals and cold release - better but still problems.
Right: Same as center but released with heat gun - almost perfect.

Saturday 12th October 2024

Stroke & Coat colors

Stroke & Coat colors sample board

This custom sample board was made by Solange Roy, it is great evidence of her meticulous and thorough approach to ceramics. This picture is taken at an angle to show the surface finish and character. These are Stroke & Coat ® underglazes, they are made by Mayco and widely used and praised. Although used as such by countless potters, they are not traditional underglazes (like Mayco Fundamentals or Amaco Velvets). They are heavily pigmented and have a highly controlled viscous melt fluidity. Applied by brush they give watercolour-like effects in thin applications and increasingly opaque coverage with each added layer. These products give evidence of meticulous lab work (like this board done by Solange), technicians would have had to do melt fluidity tests of each color and fine-tune the base recipe to get the desired degree of melt fluidity (compensating for the unique effect on melting of each stain type and percentage needed).

Context: Blending an engobe and.., One use for a.., Stroke Coat are glazes.., Duncan E-Z Stroke underglazes.., Mayco Designer Liner -.., Solange Roy is a..

Friday 4th October 2024

Extreme handle fitting: A Medalta v.5 ball pitcher

Extreme handle fitting

This handle mold is for v.5 of our 3D mold-making (and discovery) project for the ball pitcher. The process to make the 3D drawing is quite simple: Cut it out of the model (top left), draw and extrude side walls (top right) and slice off and remove the pointy parts (a step-by-step video coming soon). Bottom left: A ready-to-use mold. Notice how it fits perfectly onto the side of the pitcher form (bottom right). Because of the good fit, attaching these is just a matter of using some casting slip as the glue. Casting this handle separately affords multiple benefits: It simplifies making the mold of the pitcher itself, of extracting pieces after casting and it produces a more professional-looking product (without holes inside where the handles join). And, handles can be stockpiled in a damp box, ready to use when needed.

Context: Printing an entire one-off.., Pour spout for complex.., Medalta Ball Pitcher Slip..

Friday 4th October 2024

Serious cracking in a crystalline-glazed P700 Grolleg porcelain. Why?

Three cracked crystal glazes porcelain vases

The cracks appear to have happened on heat-up (because they have widened). Bisque firing was done around cone 04. Issue 1: The cone 10 electric firing was up-ramped at 400F/hr to 2330F (so it whizzed pass quartz inversion on the way!). Issue 2: Wall thickness variations in the pieces, they produce temperature gradients that widen as firing proceeds. Issue 3: Abrupt contour changes and sharp corners, especially when coincident with thickness variations, provide failure points that rapid temperature changes exploit. Issue 4: This new body is more plastic than the previous Grolleg porcelain used, that was likely an enabler to making these thin wall sections even thinner. But remember, practically any piece (unless it has huge in-stresses from uneven drying) can exit a kiln crack-free if firing is done evenly and slowly enough. Results of past firings are the main guide to know what to do in future ones, this is now a "past firing". So the first obvious fix here is slower heat-up, especially around quartz inversion (1000-1100F). Second: more even wall thickness.

Context: How much feldspar should.., Crystalline glazes, Dunting and Cracking of..

Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Staining of a sanitaryware glaze after years of use

Staining of sanitaryware glazes

This problem typically happens after some years of use. Here are some questions to answer:
A glaze may look smooth visually, but is it really? If the surface has micro-cavities and surface disruptions this could give organics a place to attach and build up. Firing curves need to take into account the LOI of glaze materials (which can affect the microsurface), materials like calcium and barium carbonate, dolomite, talc and even clay.
Has the mirco-surface of the glaze changed? Many labs offer surface analysis services so it is possible to have a surface compared with one known to be good.
Is the glaze subject to leaching? This could happen if the fired matrix has excessive phase changes, possibly due to poor mixing, frit quality issues or materials of excessive particle size (e.g. use 400 mesh silica instead of 200 or 300). A change in the flow of a routine melt fluidity test can alert you to changes in materials or slurry preparation.
Zircon is implicated in cutlery marking, if your glaze is marking this puts suspicion on the zircon as at least part of the problem. What grade of zircon do you use? It should be 5 micron. Are you using high-energy mixing to separate the zircon agglomerates?
Is your glaze fired at the temperature to produce optimum hardness and durability? Fire it higher and lower than the production temperature and test surface properties and melt flow. If you determine, for example, that it is under-firing, then add flux to melt it a little more. If it is under-fired, add SiO2 or Al2O3 or reduce flux (KNaO, MgO or CaO).

Context: Adding an opacifier can.., Sanitary ware, Staining of Fired Ceramic..

Friday 27th September 2024

Reasons for low fire: Underglazing, color, transparency, fired stability

Underglaze decoration on lowfire plates

You can decorate the underside! The one on the right is the back side of the plate. This is Plainsman Snow clay, it can have 25% porosity. But when fired at cone 06 the porous body does not absorb any of the glaze. And the plates stay flat when fired on stilts. These are done by the team of Micah & Jeremiah Wassink of Creston, BC (at Pridham Studio). They make matching mugs, but fire those at cone 6 using underglaze decoration with a clear overglaze. But these plates are decorated using a combination of heavily pigmented viscous-melt low-fire glazes and a black underglaze and then finished with a thin layer of transparent glaze.

Context: Pottery in Creston BC.., Underglaze, Transparent Glazes

Friday 27th September 2024

Adding an opacifier can produce cutlery marking

Opacified glaze is cutlery marking

This is G2934 cone 6 matte (left) with 10% zircon (center), 4% tin oxide (right). Although the base unopacified recipe does not cutlery mark the other two do. Although the marks clean off all of the two on the right, the zircon version (in this case Zircopax) version has the worst and is difficult to clean. Thus, a small change is all that is likely needed. One solution is to reduce the matteness of this glaze, moving to more toward a satin surface. A way to do this is to line-blend in a glossy glaze to create a compromise between the most matteness possible yet a surface that does not mark or stain. Another option is to switch to 400 mesh silica in the recipe, that will enable many more of the particles to go into solution in the melt, thus increasing the gloss a little (an improving the firing surface in other ways).

Context: ZrO2, G2934, Zircopax, Staining of a sanitaryware.., Opacifier, Cutlery Marking

Friday 27th September 2024

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  • Your resources are truly amazing and as an ex electronic engineer (now a potter), I really am impressed with your analytical approaches. Your site is almost a complete college level course on pottery (less the throwing & handbuilding). Thank you for your wonderful contributions.
  • As I read this I am thinking wow, what a great article, so useful and I love the details of the pictures.
  • What an awesome list of videos you have here, and the info on your site is invaluable.
  • I found your site and spent a long time studying various parts of it. I intend to use it alot, and hence I probably purchase the software in due course.
  • You are world famous consultant & that is why asking your opinion in details about above (best solution from production quantity, quality & optimal cost).
  • All your info on glaze chemistry and material characteristics are very informative and great catalysts for pushing me to take things a bit further. Most appreciated.
  • Am finding your website a treasure trove of extremely thoughtful writings for the aspiring more-technical studio potter. Thanks for putting it out there.

What people have said about Insight-Live

  • Your website is like a encyclopedia for ceramics, whatever problem I have I first go to your website and refer to it and learn and understand about it. Thank you so much for your patience and time for helping.
  • Learning ceramics has been a long process full of tests, frustration but at the end full satisfaction once we learn more every day... Thank you for your website, I use it for constant reference
  • I am a big fan of your work. I want to thank you for being there when I have needed and hopefully I will be able to carry on without much input from you. I will be renewing my subsrciption soon and I extol the virtues of the program (and now the Cloud version) to everyone that will listen.
  • On a small aside. I want to thank you for all the work you have done over the years, firstly to inspire people like myself to see the technical side of ceramics as such a beautiful side of the art and not just a finished result that was lucky. And on that note with how much I read your blog, waiting for daily posts, reading all the old articles again and again, I see your mugs with the wheat grass on them all time, and was wondering if you ever put them up for sale. It's been an icon of my learning and would love to have one of the infamous mugs themselves.
  • I just want to thank you for this most interesting and informative article. I just did a general search for the compatibility of a stoneware glaze on porcelain, and your page came up! Wow! what a mine of information and just what I needed as I was also looking for a slip recipe for my students.
  • I join others (I'm sure) in thanking Tony for the incredible resource that is the digital fire library, and for the insight glaze calculation software and now website. Not a week goes by when I don't use all three of them and usually quite extensively.
  • I am a ceramic manufacturing manager, and before this position, I had no training on ceramics. I was taught our recipes, but none of it was explained. The dragon ran amok. After reading through your articles and descriptions, I feel I have learned so much about my own products, and I have a foundation for changing, improving, and troubleshooting my materials issues that I wouldn't have had otherwise. They taught us in engineering school that we all stand on the shoulders of giants, because we all get to use knowledge and tools at a moment's notice that took others years to develop. Thank you for sharing all that you have, so the rest of us can stand on your shoulders to do our work that much better., All Rights Reserved
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