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In this screenshot I am comparing the chemistries of two recipes. The recipes are different but the chemistries are the same. On the left, Plainsman 3B (also known as MNP) is being using to source almost all of the Al2O3 (the red box) needed by the recipe (to match our standard cone 10R transparent G1947U, on the right). The KNaO is being sourced from the frit rather than feldspar (this is really good because it has almost no Al2O3 so all of it can be sourced from the 3B clay). Only silica and calcium carbonate are needed to bring the SiO2 and CaO up to match.
Typecodes |
Glaze Chemistry
Case studies where glaze chemistry was used to solve a problem. |
Recipes |
G1947U - Cone 10 Glossy transparent glaze
Reliable widely used glaze for cone 10 porcelains and whitewares. The original recipe was developed from a glaze used for porcelain insulators. |
Glossary |
Native Clay
A clay that a potter finds, tests and learns to process and use himself. To reduce the costs of importing materials manufacturers, especially in Asia, often develop processes for clays mined in their locality. |
Materials |
3B Clay
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