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About understanding the process and materials. Mixing, applying and firing crystalline glazes is very different than with stoneware or porcelain. By far the best success is had by people willing to learn about materials and chemistry and experiment with recipes and firing schedules. A lot of things can go wrong and hundreds of firings are needed to develop a style and repertoire of glazes. There is even a "language of crystals" to learn, being able to describe things using the right terms is a big part of development and getting and giving help to the community.
This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.
This is more technically oriented than the first edition, a book for those who are really serious about "learning the glaze", rather than just "doing it". It has fewer glaze recipes, highlighting and explaining the really good ones and their special qualities of crystal shape, amount of crazing or maturing temperature. This book has more about firing, both gas and electric. And more about clay bodies and better information about the glaze materials, coloring the background and crystals, seeding the crystals and the firing schedules.
Recipes |
GBCG - Generic Base Crystalline Glaze
Cone 6-10 - Almost all other Frit 3110 recipes are based on additions to this |
Typecodes |
Crystalline Glaze Recipes Fara Shimbo
These are from Fara's Crystal Glazes books 1 and 2. Most are the frit 3110, zinc, silica base recipe (50:25:25) with small material additions at the expense of silica. |
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