Test Procedures for Traditional Ceramics

44MR - +44 and +63 Micron Residue
APPO - Apparent Porosity
AVPS - Average Particle Size (Microns)
AVSC - Apparent Viscosity (cps)
BDGC - Bulk Density g/cc (Packed)
BDLB - Bulk Density lbs/cu. ft. (Packed)
BLOI - Borate LOI
BWIW - Boiling Water:Ice Water Glaze Fit Test
CCON - Carbon content
CDRY - Drying Factor/Water Content/Solubles
CEC - CEC (meq/100g)
CLWC - Clay Water Content - Powder, Plastic
CMST - Compressive Strength
COLE - Co-efficient of Linear Expansion
COVB - Cold Over Boiled Porosity
CSSS - Clay, Silt, Sand Sedimentation Test
DENS - Density (Specific Gravity)
DFAC - Drying Factor
DFDM - Deflocculation Demand
DIEL - Dielectric Strength
DNLP - Density, loose packed (lbs/cu fut)
DS - Dry Strength (kgf/cm2)
DSHR - Drying Shrinkage
DSRN - Dry Strenth (Round Bars)
DSTR - Dry Strength (Square Bars)
DTMP - Decomposition Temperature
EBCT - Engobe Body Compatibility Test
EM20 - Elastic Modulus, 20 degrees C
FRFU - Frit Fusibility Test
FRRD - Fired Strength Round Bars
FRTG - Fracture Toughness
FSHR - Firing Shrinkage
FSTR - Fired Strength Square Bars
GBBT - Glaze Body Bond Test
GBMF - Glaze Melt Fluidity - Ball Test
GEBR - GE Brightness
GLAZ - Glaze Observations
GLFL - Glaze Melt Flow - Runway Test
GLHD - Glaze Hardness
GLLE - Glaze Leaching Test
GSPT - Frit Softening Point
GTTM - Glass Transition Temperature
HDMI - Hardness (Microindentation) Test
HEGF - Hegman Fineness
HMA - Heating Microscope Analysis for Frits
HMAN - Heating Microscope Analysis
HMOH - Hardness (Moh)
IFP - I.F.P. (celsius)
IWCT - 300F:Ice Water Crazing Test
L10M - % < 10 microns
L1M - % < 1 micron
L20M - % < 20 microns
L2M - % < 2 microns
L30M - % < 30 microns
L5 - % < 5 microns
L5M - % < 0.5 microns
LDW - LOI/Density/Water Content
LOI - LOI (100-1000C)
LQLM - Liquid Limit
MDPS - Median Particle Size (Microns)
MLRG - Frit Melting Range (C)
MOIP - Moisture Content - Powder
MOR - Modulus of Rupture - Fired
MOR5 - Dry M.O.R. (50% Silica)
MORD - Modulus of Rupture - Dry
OLAD - Oil Adsorption (Spatula)
P200 - % Passing 200 Mesh Wet
P325 - % Passing 325 Mesh Wet
PBPO - Pugged Body Properties Overview
PCE - Pyrometric Cone Equivalent
pHPG - pH (pugged clay)
pHPW - pH for dry powder
PPD - Pyroplastic Deformation
PRSM - Poisson's Ratio
PSHP - Particle Shape (1-7 microns)
RC - Reheat Change
RHEO - Rheology of a Ceramic Slurry
SADR - Sieve Analysis Dry
SAMG - Surface Area (m2/gm)
SCLE - Simple Clay Evaluation
SHAB - Shrinkage/Absorption Test
SIEV - Sieve Analysis 35-325 Wet
SLBY - Solubility
SOLU - Soluble Salts
SPHC - Specific Heat Capacity
SSAB - Simple Shrinkage/Absorption
SVWT - Sieve Analysis Wet
THCO - Thermal Conductivity, 20 degrees C
TNST - Tensile Strength, 25 degrees C
TREL - Trace Elements (ppm)
TRMN - Trace Minerals
TSFL - Thermal Shock Failure
UPSD - Ultimate Particle Size Distribution
WABS - Water absorption
WOPL - Water of Plasticity
WRA - Whole Rock Analysis
WSR - Wet Sieve Residue
XREF - Index of Refraction


Every ceramic production facility should have some sort of materials, body and glaze testing program in place. Amazingly, many large factories have little or no testing! Then one day the kiln operator notices a large number of cracked, warped and off-size items and everyone in the plant blames him! Likely the real causes are in places earlier in the production. This underscores one of the primary reasons for testing and quality control: To establish specifications and triggers that set off alarms when test results fall outside those specifications. Thus problems can be identified before a product goes to the next step of production.

It is not easy to know where to start when it comes to setting up a testing or R&D program. The huge array of ASTM test procedures, their complexity, test equipment requirements and their expense are intimidating (try finding tests for ceramics on the ASTM website to see what I mean). For testing within your own facility to determine product consistency and suitability consider a simpler and more accessible approach: Characterization of your materials and products in a way that is practical.

Think of it this way: What physical properties of your bodies and glazes are important to maintain? What signals do you need to be sensitive to? For plastic bodies you likely want to monitor particle size distribution, drying shrinkage, water content, fired shrinkage and fired porosity. Two tests (the SIEV test and SHAB test) can provide this information. Consider also the DFAC test for plastic forming bodies, the RHEO test for casting bodies. For production glazes use the GLAZ test to maintain the slurry (other monitoring is of course needed for color, surface, hardness, expansion, etc). Remember, we are just talking about where you start.

Tests in this database are defined as Multi-variable or Single-Variable. Single-variable tests are used to define a value for a specific property. For example, the melting point of a material is specified under the MLPT test and simply appears on pages as a label and a value. Multi-variable tests are where data is being collected and measured over time and the system compiles and computes results and displays them accordingly. Data values for multi-variable tests are recorded with the Sample/Test/Specimen/Variable to uniquely identify them. For example, in the SHAB test one collects the dry length, fired length, fired weight and boiled weight for a number of specimens and the system generates a chart showing the data, the calculated dry and fired shrinkages and the porosity.


Articles Low Budget Testing of Ceramic Glazes
There is more to glazes than their visual character, they have other physical properties like hardness, thermal expansion, leachability, chemistry and they exhibit many defects. Here are some simple tests.
Articles A Low Cost Tester of Glaze Melt Fluidity
Use this novel device to compare the melt fluidity of glazes and materials. Simple physical observations of the results provide a better understanding of the fired properties of your glaze (and problems you did not see before).
Articles Simple Physical Testing of Clays
Learn to test your clay bodies and clay materials and record the results in an organized way, understanding the purpose of each test and how to relate its results to changes that need to be made in process, recipe and materials.
Articles Understanding Thermal Expansion in Ceramic Glazes
Understanding thermal expansion is the key to dealing with crazing or shivering. There is a rich mans and poor mans way to fit glazes, the latter might be better.
Articles Firing Clay Test Bars
Being able to make good consistent test bars and fire them in a consistent and proper way is a basic requirement of getting valid results for shrinkage and porosity measurement.
Articles Are You in Control of Your Production Process?
Potters often run operations that are on the edge of control tolerating production and ware problems that industry would not. However ethics will sooner or later demand a better knowledge of process and materials.
Glossary Clay Body Porosity
In ceramics, porosity is considered an indication of density, and therefore strength and durability. Porosity is measured by the weight increase when boiled in water.
Glossary Firing Shrinkage
During drying, clay particles draw together and shrinkage occurs. During firing the matrix densifies and shrinkage continues. More vitreous bodies shrink more.
Glossary Characterization
In ceramics, this normally refers to the process of doing physical or chemical testing on a raw material to accurately describe it in terms of similar ones.
URLs http://www.astm.org/Standards/glass-and-ceramic-standards.html
ASTM Ceramics and Glass Testing Standards

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