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I created these images using the "imagine" command at To me this is jaw-dropping - I thought AI was just plagiarizing but it really does appear to be learning. Top left: I asked for "stoneware pottery mugs with floral decoration covered by a glossy transparent glaze". For the vase: "Crazed transparent glaze over floral decoration". How does it know what crazing is? Notice the things I forgot to specify for the porcelain mugs: Handmade, one handle, decoration should only be on the outside and handles are not decorated (these errors seem like an indication that this AI has not learned that yet). For the last one, I asked for a piece demonstrating the difference in runniness of two different glazes. How does it know what runny glazes are? How does it know a bowl would be the best shape to demonstrate the latter? These observations and the fact that it can generate very high-resolution images seems to indicate it is actually drawing the pieces, not just showing photos it found online.
This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.
Consider these porcelain mugs I "imagined" at At first, they look pretty typical but take a closer look at the one in the middle. The floral design on the one behind morphs into the actual 3D shape on the one in front. This seems like an indication that the AI is actually drawing these, not just plagiarizing them from its scraping activities online. The #aiart, #aiartwork, #aiartcommunity and similar hashtags generate millions of posts (albeit of questionable taste), but they are a harbinger of things to come.
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AI in Ceramics
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