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This is a ball clay. They are known to produce this type of soluble salts when fired at high temperature reduction (the inner salt-free section is such because that part of the tile was covered during drying, so the soluble salts from there had to migrate to the outer exposed edge). If soluble salts fire to a glassy surface they can affect the overlying glaze. But in this case they are not and have a minimal effect.
Minerals |
Ball Clay
Ball clay is the most common type of secondary clay. They are much more plastic than kaolin because |
Tests |
Soluble Salts
Evaluate and compare the solubles salts content in clay bodies and materials |
Materials |
Ball Clay
A fine particled highly plastic secondary clay used mainly to impart plasticity to clay and porcelain bodies and to suspend glaze, slips and engobe slurries. |
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