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This is machined out of aluminum. We also have drawings of a 3D-printable shell-mold for making molds that drop into this. And methodology for printing the outside contour of pieces to be jiggered.
Available on the Downloads page
This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.
This enables casting a plaster mold that drops down in our aluminum jigger wheel cuphead. The critical measurement is the 73mm radius of the step where the mold sits inside the cuphead (this must be adjusted to your cuphead). To use, turn this upside down and center it over a plaster or 3D printed form of the inside shape of the vessel. The outfacing flanges enable this shell to open enough to release from the jigger mold being cast. Using paper clamps it is held together, and held down to, a clamping baseplate (having 86.2mm radius, it is a separate drawing). To assure that the mold seats well into the cuphead and rotates true, adjust the inner radius of the spacer ring and print it.
This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.
Showing dimensions to fit a Shimpo RK2 wheel, its shaft is 0.983 in diameter. The molds fit down inside as shown, only contacting the cuphead at the shoulder. This is machined from aluminum. We do not sell this of course, but you could take this drawing to a machine shop and have them make you one (the numbers are readable when this is zoomed to full size).
Projects |
Project to Document a Shimpo Jiggering Attachment
Make your own jiggering attachment for your potter's wheel. Here are the plans and lots of help to get you going with molds and techniques. |
Glossary |
Jiggering is a process of forming pottery that employs a spinning plaster mold and a tapered template to press soft clay or porcelain against it. |
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