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This group is NOT about showcasing pots and clicking Like-buttons. It is about being the one fish swimming in the other direction: Learning to understand the amazing line of Amaco cone 6 brushing glazes from the viewpoint of traditional potters who are used to making their own glazes. We will not describe pieces using art language but will study their glaze mechanisms with a view to understanding and improving them. We will deduce the recipes of many (so we can make and adjust our own when needed). We will learn to combine the use of Amaco brushing glazes with ones that we mix ourselves.
This is not just about practicality - skyrocketing ceramic supplies and material prices cannot be ignored. Hopefully, you will find motivation and a path to making some of your own glazes.
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Amaco GlazeLovers Facebook Group - Rather than being passive consumers we will actively involve ourselves in understanding their mechanisms, using them in consort with glazes we mix ourselves and even deducing their recipes. |
Buy me a coffee and we can talk