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Choose the shape, enter the measurements in cm or inches, choose type of plaster and consistency.
This project is a testament to my wife's patience with me using her kitchen as a mold making shop. Most of the tools I need are there. A nice stable table to run two 3D printers, lots of room and plugins, electrical appliances, utensils and supplies of every type, good lighting. And pleasant company!
I have already poured PMC-746 rubber into 3D printed block molds and have printed and put in place stabilizers to hold the rubber in place. Embeds are in place on both the bottle base and bottom mold (upper right). The flexibility of this rubber is amazing, it makes possible extraction of the plaster base, although with difficulty. It also preserves the embossed logo on the foot. This is version 4 (version 5 will have a shallow base piece and modified sliding natches).
The $5 garage sale mixer does not pull bubbles to the surface so I just pull them up by counter-stirring with a serving spoon. A common sense workflow (never pouring any down the sink, cleaning everything in a settling bucket) makes this no problem in the kitchen.
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