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Mold Natches

At digitalfire we are big fans of slip casting and want to help people and companies (even hobbyists) to integrate it into their production.

Key phrases linking here: mold natches, natches, natch - Learn more


3D design and 3D printing are enabling a rethink of almost every detail of how molds are made. The way in which natches are incorporated into working molds, what natches need to be and even if they need to be there at all, are all on the table. The precision of 3D-printing can really be leveraged to imagine and create new ways of interlocking multipiece molds.

At its simplest, incorporating natches in mold parts is simply incorporating holes in 3D printed shells to accommodate clips or retainers (and what they connect to, either a natch or an embed). Natches and spacers can then be inserted (and glued) into the embeds after the plaster has set. The biggest benefit of this is being able to sand flat mating surfaces (before gluing in the natches).

More advanced options involve fitting natches to already created working mold parts. This is done by the incorporation of smooth recessed 3D printed platforms to which natch hardware can be positioned and epoxied.

While natches can be purchased, the other hardware needed to embed them necessitates 3D printing anyway. So you might as well print the natches also. Making them all yourself enables not only flexibility in shape and size but also assures that you will never be caught out of stock.

Related Information

Standard 3/8 inch mold natch

Available on the Downloads page

Standard 3/8 inch mold natch

Once you try these you will never go back to making molds without them. Unfortunately, these are not easy to get in North America. Or even online. But you can 3D print them yourself (we use PLA filament). This design interlocks with standard 3/8" natches used in industry. There are more aspects to printing and using these than meets the eye, here are some aspects to know:

-The base can be widened for sticking on the build plate better. If you need to print large numbers it might be advisable to use a glued plate to make sure they stick well.
-The inner edge is chamfered to ensure better insertion of the nipple.
-Print without infill for better strength.
-These are hollow, no support is needed.
-The bottom can be widened to stick better to the build plate.
-The ribs can be moved.
-A 9.8 mm hole is needed in the mold.

CAD drawing for 3D-printing plaster mold natches, spacers, clips and embeds

Available on the Downloads page

3D printed mold natches

Plastic natches are cast into plaster molds to provide a durable and good-fitting interlock to ensure pieces line up perfectly. The traditional one familiar to most people is the 3/8" or 9.5 mm size (nipple diameter). Because of issues surrounding their use (not the least of which are price or even finding a supplier), we designed and print our own using PLA filament. Ours have several advantages:
-There is never an issue with supply, we make them.
-13.5mm holes in case molds are all that is needed to adapt to these.
-3D printing case and block molds necesititates pouring plaster and rubber into shells with planar mating surfaces downward (they must sit flat on the table). The thin flanges on these cause minimal issues.
-Casting an embed into a mold is more flexible since we can glue (or friction fit) a natch or a spacer inside. In addition, they permit flat mating surfaces to be sanded (for better flatness and fit).
Our drawing (right) shows the measurements we use. 3D printing is precise enough that the inside dimension of the embed is the same as the outside of the natch shoulder, yet the natch slides in perfectly. The same good fit happens with the clip and embed and the natch nipple and spacer (although it is necessary to chamfer the bottom corners and bevel the top corners of the spacer for better insert).
There is a good chance some dimension changes are needed to fine-tune for printing in your circumstances. Since these are printed in batches of many, failed print jobs will result if insufficient attention is given to this (and to whether to use a glued plate).

DIY natches, spacers and embeds in a plaster handle mold

Natches, spacers, embeds in a plaster handle mold

This is our third-generation alternative to the use of traditional mold natches (like the red ones in the photo). Here is what you are seeing:

Right: A 3D-printed case mold for a mug handle. Clips (retainers) have been inserted from the bottom side. An embed has been pushed down over the one in the rear.

Center: The plaster mold created from it. The embed at the rear is ready for inserting a spacer (the nipple of the other half will it into that). A natch has also been inserted into the embed in the front. These fit tight enough in the hole that glue was not needed here.

Left: Spacers have been inserted into both embeds. A standard natch fits into the one in the rear and one of our natches fits into the one in the front.

Soon the CAD drawing for these (natches, spacers, embeds, clips) will be available on

Three-piece vertically printed mold with natches

Mini beer bottle mold

These 3D prints slide into slotted side rails for each pouring of plaster. Since the plaster releases easily it is possible to use these multiple times. This method is suitable for prototyping in larger quantities than prints that integrate rails. These are printed on edge so print times are drastically reduced and surface smoothness is much better. This version has a bottom piece eliminating the seam across the base. It also enables putting embossed logos on the base. The holes enable mounting flush embeds - making it possible to sand the mating surfaces flat before gluing in the natches. The three-piece mold produced is shown on the bottom.

Slotted natches make this bottle mold possible

Slotted natches in a slip casting mold

These enable pulling apart the top halves of our ceramic beer bottle molds while the leather hard bottle is still embedded into the base. Starting upper left and clock wise:
#1 The 3D design for making a rubber case mold.
#2 It has been 3D printed in three parts (which are then glued together).
#3 PMC-746 rubber was poured in and the 3D printed parts were peeled off.
#4 Natch parts have been 3D printed.
#5 The embeds have been rubber cemented onto the rubber mold (to hold them in place during casting).
#6 Plaster was poured in.
#7 The plaster working mold has been extracted from the rubber, the embeds firmly rooted in place.
#8 The slots have been epoxied in place (lined up and positioned accurately so the natches hit the end of the slots just as the halves contact).
Centre: The mold partly assembled.

Why 3D design and printing is a better way for slip casting molds for pottery

3D printed plaster mold master

I dread the traditional mold-making process, the mess, all the supplies and tools involved, my history of failures with it bring mental baggage. I am a potter, I make functional ceramics. I am not a mold-maker, but 3D design and printing have put it within my reach. They are the total reset in all fabrication industries this decade. Their CAD, Fusion 360, is free for hobby. Couple it with a 3D printer and this is the future in pottery too. Here's why:
-It is much more fun! Even failures are fun.
-This is accessible. I already have a computer and 3D printer. I don't have a workshop, workbench, and all the tools for traditional mold making. The 3D process is way less messy and doable in my kitchen.
-I don't have the skillset or talent for traditional mold making. And I am much better at designing on a computer than carving plaster or pushing clay.
-I spend most time on design, pouring the plaster or rubber takes minutes.
-Sanding of flat mating faces is possible (for better seams than I've ever had). This is because natches are added later. Or not even needed.
-I can make my own natches and coupling schemes.
-No spare is needed, the 3D-printed pour spouts work better.
-The range of shapes seems limitless. Especially because designs can be split up into pieces, each printed in optimal orientation (and then glued together precisely).
-I make molds through multiple design-print iterations. 3D makes do-overs or changes in design as easy as a reprint and plaster pour. So, I can make a mold just to test an idea!
-Every issue that people present with this approach is seen as a challenge to the engineers making it work. They will solve every one.
-The approach is internet teamable, others can help me during the design part (which is most of the process).

By Tony Hansen
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