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vitrified, volatiles, wedged in, whiteware, ash glaze, wordpress, silicosis, bentonite, spodumene, tin oxide, firebrake, ep kaolin, raw umber, feldspars, frit 3110, frit 3124, frit 3134, frit 3195, frit 3249, frit f-12, frit f-19, frit f-38, frit f-69, frit f-75, ball clay, test kiln, crucibles, calibrate, frit 3602, mod podge, fan brush, nomad 3 d, BWIW test, DFAC test, EBCT test, GBMF test, GLFL test, GLLE test, IWCT test, SHAB test, SIEV test, linkmaker, fristaden, 200 mesh, 325 mesh, a slicer, 3d-print, 3d print, art ware, blunging, roasting, calcined, candling, ceramics, porosity, colorant, dimpling, low fire, low-fire, eutectic, fireclay, flashing, fritware, clouding, bubbling, incising, iron-red, iron red, jiggered, kneading, leaching, majolica, marbling, maturity, the melt, microbes, ovenware, pinholes, plucking, cone 10r, rheology, sintered, slipware, slurried, sulfates, settling, throwing, toxicity, vitreous, wedge in, titanium, zirconia, zircopax, dolomite, feldspar, optikast, opticast, fire-red, Organics, ford cup, crucible, dripping, modpodge, 50:30:20, LDW test, bleeding, bloating, blisters, hard pan, oil soap, claybank, uv resin, artware, high sg, calcine, roasted, colloid, engobes, engobed, fritted, laydown, grogged, incised, wedging, kneaded, leached, gassers, cone 04, cone 06, lusters, biocide, natches, flanges, mottled, opacify, opacity, physics, pinhole, propane, pugmill, railing, 80 mesh, sieving, sinters, slaking, settled, tenmoku, plaster, pv clay, boraq 2, boraq 3, ulexite, cmc gum, grolleg, kyanite, peeling, G1214Z1, GA10x-A, GR10-J1, GR10-K1, C04PLTP, C6MSGL1, bloated, crawled, dunting, blister, crazing, chatgpt, pmc-746, onshape, sldprt, g-code, alkali, bisque, borate, low sg, oxides, stains, cone 1, cone 5, cone 6, engobe, shiver, infill, jigger, wedged, mature, refire, cottle, sinter, slaked, slurry, thrown, upwork, redart, rutile, silica, veegum, zircon, pr#3 d, darvan, lignin, kaolin, kt#1-4, embeds, CELECG, G1214M, G1214W, G1215U, G1216L, G1216M, G1916Q, G1947U, G2571A, G2826R, G2826X, g2851H, G2853B, G2902B, G2902D, G2916F, G2926B, G2926J, G2926S, G2928C, G2931H, G2931K, G2931L, G2934Y, G3806C, G3838A, GA10-A, GA10-B, GA10-D, GA6-G1, GR10-A, GR10-B, GR10-C, GR10-E, GR10-G, GR10-J, GR10-L, GRNTCG, L3341B, L3685U, L3724F, L3924C, L3954B, L3954N, TNF2CG, VESUCG, 03DSFF, 04DSDH, BQ1000, BRTF05, BTFB04, BTSB04, BTSG05, C10RPL, C5DHSC, C6DHSC, C6IRED, C6PLST, FSCGB1, FSCGCL, FSCGWM, FSCRGL, PLC6CR, PLC6DS, cad+3d, 0.8mm, 0.4mm, boron, decal, 2200f, frits, natch, mole%, pyrex, shino, sieve, si:al, slake, glazy, zero3, zero4, boraq, pr#3d, c-red, borax, Al2O3, Cr2O3, Fe2O3, BORY1, G2000, G2240, G2896, G2934, G3879, GA6-A, GA6-B, GA6-C, GA6-D, GA6-F, GA6-G, GA6-H, GC106, GR6-A, GR6-B, GR6-C, GR6-D, GR6-E, GR6-H, GR6-L, GR6-M, GR6-N, L2000, BRTF6, BRTS6, FSCG1, FSHP1, FSHP3, FSNM5, MDDCL, bloat, crawl, craze, gimp, flux, frit, grog, kaki, raku, talc, c-98, B2O3, Cu2O, Li2O, MnO2, Na2O, P2O5, SiO2, SnO2, TiO2, V2O5, ZrO2, knao, QICA, f3d, cad, 3dp, cte, coe, mex, sls, fdm, sla, loi, mdt, psd, pce, nzk, bgp, epk, 45d, 45f, 45r, BaO, CaO, CO2, CoO, CuO, FeO, H2O, K2O, LOI, MgO, MnO, NiO, PbO, SO3, SO4, SrO, ZnO, ZrO, mk3, mk4, stl, 3mf, obj, a1, 3b, m2,
To Our Shares at Insight-live: 77C04E, 77E05B, 77E06B, 77E14A, 77E15A, 84-G-05-S, G 304, G1002, G1214M, G1214Z, G1214Z1, G1214Z2, G1847, G1916M, G1916Q, G1916Q2, G1916Q3, G1916QL, G1916QL1, G1916S, G1916S1, G1916V, G1916W, G1947U, G2415E, G2415J, G2571A, G2571B, G2571BB, G2571C, G2571D, G2571D1, G2571E, G2576B, G2584, G2826A, G2826A1, G2826A2, G2826A3, G2826B, G2826F, G2826G, G2826M, G2826N, G2826R, G2826R1, G2826U, G2826V, G2850C, G2850M-C, G2850P, G2851A, G2851AB, G2851D, G2851H, G2880, G2880A, G2881B, G2890B, G2894, G2894A, G2908A, G2917, G2926, G2926A, G2926B, G2926BL, G2926J, G2926S, G2931, G2931F, G2931G, G2931H, G2931K, G2931L, G2931L2, G2932, G2933, G2934, G2934A, G2934BL, G2934J, G2934J1, G2934Y, G2934Y1, G2934Y2, G2934Y3, G2934Y4, G2934Z, G2936, G2936B, G2936C, G2938, G2941A, G2941C, G3806, G3806A, G3806B, G3806C, G3806D, G3806E, G3806F, G3806K, G3806N, G3808, G3808A, G3813, G3813B, G3813C, G3814, G3822, G3834, G3840, G3868, G3868A, G3868B, G3868C, G3875, G3875B, G3875C, G3879, G3879C, G3879E, G3879F1, G3888, G3892, G3903, G3904, G3904A, G3909, G3910, G3910A, G3912A, G3914A, G3918, G3925, G3925B, G3926B, G3926C, G3933, G3933A, G3933E, G3933EF, G3933F, G3933G1, G3939A, G3948, G3948A, G3948A1, G3948A3, G3955, G3966, G3971, G3973, G4546, G4594, GA6-A, GA6-F, GR10-A, GR10-C, GR10-CW, GR6-H, L2553B, L2596E, L2596F, L2596G, L2626, L3127E, L3127G, L3127I, L3127N, L3146A, L3146B, L3146C, L3146D, L3164A, L3500, L3500G, L3500H, L3523, L3523A, L3523B, L3523C, L3523D, L3617, L3619, L3660C, L3660G, L3660P, L3664A, L3673, L3685U1, L3685Y, L3685Z2, L3685Z3, L3685Z5, L3685Z6, L3685Z7, L3685Z8, L3693E, L3693E1, L3693H1, L3724N2, L3728, L3778D, L3778D1, L3778G, L3798C, L3798G, L3802E, L3806L, L3840, L3868, L3868A, L3868C, L3869, L3869A, L3875, L3875A, L3875B, L3894D, L3906, L3911, L3916, L3924C, L3924J, L3924L, L3954B, L3954F, L3954J, L3954N, L3954R, L3954S2, L3972, L3977, L4001, L4005D, L4023F, L4028, L4053B, L4068, L4115J3, L4115L2, L4115L2a, L4158, L4159, L4163, L4168G5, L4168G9, L4170, L4170B, L4170F, L4208C, L4208D, L4217G, L4227, L4228, L4239, L4244, L4244A, L4245, L4245F, L4246, L4247, L4248, L4249, L4249A, L4249B, L4264, L4264A, L4264B, L4264C, L4264D, L4273, L4280, L4287, L4287A, L4292, L4293, L4294, L4398, L4404A, L4404B, L4404C, L4404D, L4410L, L4410P, L4421, L4441A, L4441B, L4453C, L4458, L4482B, L4484D, L4498, L4498A, L4530, L4530A, L4532A, L4532B, L4532D, L4532F, L4543, L4543B, L4543C, L4557, L4558, L4558A, L4558B, L4567, L4575, L4575A, L4588, L4597, L4599, L4599A, L4608, L4655, L4655A, L4655B, L4696, L4697, L4705A, L4768D, L4768E, L4768H, L4807, MHSCUL, MRG6B, MRG6C, MRG6E, MRG6G, P4738A, P4808, P5867, P6385, P6821, P7088, PC-32,
To Plainsman Clays (these will change for partnering suppliers): MNS, L210, L215, MNP, Buffstone, L212, M332, M350, M340, M390, M332G, MSculp, P300, M370C, M370, PolarIce, Polar Ice, crystalice, H440, H443, H550, H555, H570, P600, P700, H441G, Sculpture-Clay, sculptureclay, RakuThrowing, A2, A3, 3B, pr3d, Kaosand, PFC, M2, FireRed, Fire-Red, Redstone, Midstone, Helmer, AlbertaSlip, RavenscragSlip, Ravenscrag, TexturedEngobe, Tapper2, Tapper5, PlainsmanGrog, F97, G2934, MG6CDM, G2926B, MG6CG, Zero3LH, g1916q, Zero3Porcelain, 98Mix, SBC, G1947U, G2571A, g2571a, L3954B, Coffee Clay, GA6-B, GR10-A, gr10a, KilnWash, L3954N, 3C, m390c, m340c, snow, m340s, 45f, a1,
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