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3DP | BSG | ABR | | BIN | ADV | AGT | PHY | ASR | uAz | ALM | ALS | E11 | JWK | ART | ARC | EBA | LAG | PBA | BLC | NFi | mQi | BIN | 62N | BIO | BSQ | CHP | BDT | BGD | BGP | BFR | Csu | DZc | BRK | HWi | SCS | MCB | SCB | ECS | CSP | OLC | CRE | CPM | CRS | STN | CST | LBS | TIL | C3D | CBM | CLM | ECM | CLO | SLR | CRT | CCT | CLT | GBG | CCO | CCN | CRP | d3S | CGS | OCS | DEC | DFT | | Dux | DRP | DSP | ELE | ELT | MUE | SEU | EEE | MEQ | SCE | EQD | EQP | EQM | EMR | SER | EQS | | ETC | P3D | PAR | PAU | PCA | PBF | PDE | PGL | PKB | PMM | PPO | PPP | PSH | PWT | EXT | FEL | TAA | FRC | 9h6 | FLB | kK5 | FLS | FRT | MFM | YtL | F3D | EGK | | DGE | GBC | GBS | GLS | GLI | GLC | EGL | GLM | GLT | SGL | MGL | FGE | GLZ | GEQ | EHE | fBy | h79 | HTR | CHS | Niv | I3D | ICS | IDP | IGR | EAP | ISO | Qno | KAO | qhK | KCD | EKB | KIL | SKL | MKL | LNS | LAB | vLv | FRL | 7hb | LEM | CQL | LTR | MSH | MOF | MAN | | MRK | MDS | MMC | MPC | MTS | MTT | | MAM | MAA | MDE | MTE | EMP | MPE | CLM | DEN | PWH | MAT | e38 | MTR | BDW | PMF | MIN | 3MM | MMK | EMM | MNC | EMF | yPu | NOX | SOC | | DSL | OPA | QKk | OXI | PTT | SWS | PPS | PRP | | SPM | MPB | SPB | FRP | 9Hv | PEN | POI | PTW | PEQ | a87 | EPR | PRS | PRT | | PRD | PRO | | | | QCC | RMP | RSR | MRM | SRM | RED | RFR | wWm | REF | EAR | SRS | ESK | SWR | | SCU | | YFh | SIL | ESR | LrD | YnJ | ESP | MSM | Tmx | STC | OLS | k67 | JXh | PWS | TWC | EPW | TCP | TCE | WSN | TLS | STL | MTL | TGR | OTR | | | UNI | UVR | gLF | WRS | WPS | YQd

Generic Material

Generic materials are those with no brand name. Normally they are theoretical, the chemistry portrays what a specimen would be if it had no contamination. Generic materials are helpful in educational situations where students need to study material theory (later they graduate to dealing with real world materials). They are also helpful where the chemistry of an actual material is not known. Often the accuracy of calculations is sufficient using generic materials.

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Materials Alumina
Materials Calcined Alumina
Materials Alumina Hydrate
Materials Anhydrous Borax
A white, odorless product crystalline granular by dehydrating Borax to remove the crystal bound water.
Materials Antimony Oxide
Materials Ball Clay
A fine particled highly plastic secondary clay used mainly to impart plasticity to clay and porcelain bodies and to suspend glaze, slips and engobe slurries.
Materials Barium Carbonate
A pure source of BaO for ceramic glazes. This is 77% BaO and has an LOI of 23% (lost at CO2 on firing).
Materials Barium Sulfate
Materials Bentonite
Bentonite can make a clay body instantly plastic, only 2-3% can have a big effect. It also suspends slurries so they don't settle out and slows down drying.
Materials Bismuth Subnitrate
Materials Bone Ash
Materials Borax Pentahydrate
Materials Boric Acid
Materials Calcined Kaolin
This is kaolin powder that has been fired in a furnace to remove the 12% crystal water and render it non-plastic.
Materials Calcium Borate
Materials Calcium Carbonate
In ceramics, calcium carbonate is primarily a source of CaO in raw stoneware and porcelain glazes.
Materials Calcium Feldspar
Materials Calcium Silicate
Materials Chrome Oxide
Materials Cobalt Carbonate
Materials Cobalt Oxide
Materials Colemanite
A natural source of boron that melts at a very low temperature.
Materials Copper Carbonate
A source of CuO copper oxide used in ceramic glazes to produce a variety of colors (used only or with other colorants).
Materials Copper Carbonate Basic
This form of copper carbonate is the article of commerce, a mixture of theoretical copper carbonate and copper hydroxide.
Materials Copper Oxide Black
The purest source of CuO copper oxide pigment used in ceramic glazes.
Materials Copper Oxide Red
Materials Cornwall Stone
Materials Cryolite
Materials Crystalline Silica
Materials Diatomaceous Earth
Materials Dolomite
An inexpensive source of MgO and CaO for ceramic glazes, also a highly refractory material when fired in the absence of reactant fluxes.
Materials English Kaolin
Materials Epsom Salts
Materials Feldspar
In ceramics, feldspars are used in glazes and clay bodies. They vitrify stonewares and porcelains. They supply KNaO flux to glazes to help them melt.
Materials Fibrous Wollastonite
Materials Flint
Materials Fluorspar
Materials Ilmenite
Materials Iron Oxide Black
Materials Iron Oxide Red
Red iron oxide is the most common colorant used in ceramic bodies and glazes. As a powder, it is available in red, yellow, black and other colors.
Materials Iron Oxide Yellow
Materials Kaolin
The purest of all clays in nature. Kaolins are used in porcelains and stonewares to impart whiteness, in glazes to supply Al2O3 and to suspend slurries.
Materials Kyanite
Kyanite is a granular material used in the manufacture of ceramics and abrasives. It is notable for low thermal expansion and one-way expansion on heating.
Materials Lead Carbonate
Materials Litharge
Materials Lepidolite
Materials Light Magnesium Carbonate
A refractory feather-light white powder used as a source of MgO and matting agent in ceramic glazes
Materials Ceramic Rutile
Rutile mineral ground to a very fine particle size (e.g. 325 mesh) contributes titanium and iron that colors and variegates ceramic glazes.
Materials Lithium Carbonate
A powerful melter very valuable in ceramic glazes. It is 40% Li2O and has an LOI of 60% (lost as CO2 on firing). This material in now incredibly expensive.
Materials Magnesite
Materials Magnesium Oxide
Materials Magnesium Zirconium Silicate
Materials Manganese Oxide
Materials Manganese Carbonate
Materials Manganese Dioxide
A source of MnO used in ceramic glazes and the production of ceramic stains. Commonly made by grinding pyrolusite rock.
Materials Mica
Materials Mullite
Materials Nepheline Syenite
Materials Nickel Carbonate
Materials Nickel Oxide Black
Materials Perlite
Materials Petalite
Materials Potash Feldspar
A feldspar having a KNaO content that predominates in potassium.
Materials Pearl Ash
Materials Pyrophyllite
Materials Red Lead
Materials Rutile
A raw TiO2-containing mineral used in ceramics to color and variegate glaze surfaces.
Materials Silica
Silica, sold as a white powder, is pure quartz mineral. Quartz is pure SiO2 silicon dioxide. It is the most abundant mineral on earth and most used in ceramics.
Materials Sodium Carbonate
Materials Soda Feldspar
A feldspar having a KNaO content that predominates in sodium.
Materials Sodium Borate
Materials Sodium Silicate
A sticky, viscous liquid. The most common deflocculant used in ceramics. Also used as a bonding agent.
Materials Spodumene
Spodumene is a lithium sourcing feldspar, an alternative to lithium carbonate to supply Li2O to ceramic glazes. Contains up to about 8% Li2O.
Materials Strontium Carbonate
A pure source of SrO for ceramic glazes. It contains 70% SrO and has an LOI of 30% (released as CO2 during firing).
Materials Talc
A source of MgO for ceramic glazes, a flux or thermal expansion additive in clay bodies, also used in the manufacture of cordierite.
Materials Tin Oxide
Its principle use in ceramics is as an opacifier in glazes. It is very expensive.
Materials Titanium Dioxide
A super white powder used in ceramic glazes to variegate, opacify and moderate color.
Materials Tricalcium Phosphate
Materials Ulexite
A natural source of boron, it melts at a very low temperature to a clear glass.
Materials Vanadium Pentoxide
Materials Volcanic Ash
Powdered volcanic ash is used to make ceramic glazes, some varieties have a chemistry similar enough to glaze that high percentages can be employed.
Materials Wollastonite
Materials Zinc Borate
Materials Zinc Oxide
A pure source of ZnO for ceramic glazes, it is 100% pure with no LOI.
Materials Nickel Oxide Green
Materials Borax Decahydrate
Materials Zircon
Materials Bismuth Oxide
Bismuth is a very strong flux that enables glass melts lower than any other, even lead. However its price limits its utility to highly specialized products.
Materials Attapulgite
Materials Apatite
Materials Silicon Carbide
Materials Calcium Chloride
Materials Stain
Materials Frit
Frits are made by melting mixes of raw materials, quenching the melt in water, grinding the pebbles into a powder. Frits have chemistries raw materials cannot.
Materials Fireclay
Materials Grog
Materials Methylcellulose

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