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Also called glass frits, these melt at very low temperatures (e.g. 500C). They are used to bond together materials that can withstand some heat (e.g. abrasives, ceramics, non-oxide ceramics, metals). And as a surface-smoothing agent. The main product properties are melting temperature and thermal expansion. The powders are mixed with binders, applied and then heated up and down to create the bond.
Materials |
Ferro Frit 3227
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Ferro Frit 90 741 F
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Ferro Frit 90 740 F
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Ferro Frit 90 742 F
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Ferro Frit 3185
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Ferro Frit 3193
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Ferro Frit R-1
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Fusion Frit F-245
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General Frit GF-140
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General Frit GF-141
URLs |
Glass frit bonding at Wikipedia |
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