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Manganese Carbonate

Oxide Analysis Formula
MnO 61.62% 1.00
CO2 38.38%n/a
Oxide Weight 70.90
Formula Weight 115.06

Related Information

Manganese dioxide powder (left) and manganese carbonate (right)

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.


Materials Manganese Oxide
Materials Manganese Dioxide
A source of MnO used in ceramic glazes and the production of ceramic stains. Commonly made by grinding pyrolusite rock.
Materials Manganese Granular
In ceramics, it is used primarily in clays and glazes to achieve fired speckle (including the brick industry).
Hazards Manganese in Clay Bodies
Manganese is used to stain clays (using black) and to impart fired speckling (as a decorative effect). It is dangerous?
Hazards Manganese Toxicity by Elke Blodgett
A story of the struggle of one person to identify and deal with manganese toxicity
Typecodes Generic Material
Generic materials are those with no brand name. Normally they are theoretical, the chemistry portrays what a specimen would be if it had no contamination. Generic materials are helpful in educational situations where students need to study material theory (later they graduate to dealing with real world materials). They are also helpful where the chemistry of an actual material is not known. Often the accuracy of calculations is sufficient using generic materials.
Typecodes Colorant
Metallic based materials that impart fired color to glazes and bodies.
Temperatures Manganese Carbonate decomposes to MnO (200-)


Frit Softening Point 300C D
Density (Specific Gravity) 3.60


Glaze ColorIn an alkaline glaze, manganese carbonate can produce blue-purple and plum colors.
Glaze ColorIn leaded glazes manganese carbonate can produce purple tinged with brown.
By Tony Hansen
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