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GR10-J1 - Ravenscrag Cone 10R Bamboo Matte

Modified: 2018-05-24 15:23:04

Plainsman Cone 10R Ravenscrag Slip based glaze. It can be found among others at

Material Amount
Ravenscrag Slip51.60
Gerstley Borate4.00
Calcined Kaolin13.50
Custer Feldspar16.20
Red Iron Oxide1.00


This is GR10-J dolomite matte (a Ravenscrag version of G2571A) with 1% iron oxide added (to produce a bamboo effect).

An alternative bamboo (for both this and the G2571A recipe) is to add 3.5% rutile and 10% zircopax.

Related Information

How to turn a dolomite matte white glaze into a bamboo matte

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.

Make cone 10R bamboo colors using the GR10-J Ravenscrag silky matte base recipe (right) and adding 1% iron (left), (0.5% centre). These samples are porcelain. This iron addition also works using the G2571A matte base recipe.

Ravenscrag GR10-J Cone 10R Bamboo glaze variation

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.

Porcelain (left), buff stoneware (center), iron stoneware (right). Works well on all body types. On porcelain, interesting red tones and variations in tone appear.

Bamboo glaze that is actually functional

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The stunning cone 10R Ravenscrag bamboo glaze (it is GR10-J plus 0.5% iron oxide) on a Grolleg porcelain. Up close it can feel and look like a fine wood surface (when used on a porcelain).

Two G2571A Bamboo versions: With iron, rutile-zircopax

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These mugs are Plainsman H450 fired at cone 10R. Both have a black engobe (L3954N) applied to the insides and half way down the outside during leather hard stage (the insides are glazed with Ravenscrag silky matte and G1947U over the black engobe). The bamboo glazes can thus be seen over the black (upper half) and the raw buff body (lower). The bamboo glaze on the left has 1% iron added to the base G2571A recipe. The one on the right has 3.5% powdered rutile and 10% zircopax added.

G2571A bamboo matte on the left is better, it does not stain

A pottery mug has a glaze the stains easily

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These mugs are Plainsman H443. The bamboo glaze on the left (A) has 3.5% rutile and 10% Zircopax added to the base G2571A dolomite matte. The one on the right (B) has the same addition but in a base having slightly less MgO and slightly more KNaO. B stains badly (as can be seen from the felt marker residue that could not be removed using lacquer thinner). Why does A stain only slightly? It has an additional 4% Gerstley Borate (GB). GB is a powerful flux that develops the glass better, making the surface more silky. The differences in the recipe provide another advantage: (A) has a lower thermal expansion and is less likely to craze.


Recipes GR10-J - Ravenscrag Cone 10R Dolomite Matte
Plainsman Cone 10R Ravenscrag Slip based glaze. It can be found among others at
Glossary Bamboo Glaze
A high temperature reduction glaze made by adding a small amount of iron oxide to a magnesia matte base glaze

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By Tony Hansen
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