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GR6-B - Ravenscrag Cone 6 Variegated Light Glossy Blue

Modified: 2019-11-04 14:21:40

Plainsman Cone 6 Ravenscrag Slip based glaze. It can be found among others at

Material Amount
Ravenscrag Slip80.00
Ferro Frit 313420.00
Cobalt Oxide3.00
Titanium Dioxide3.00


This produces a variegated light medium blue glaze that breaks greenish over edges. This glaze is very consistent and has very good working properties.


5% titanium dioxide, 1% cobalt oxide, 1% copper oxide and 0.5% iron oxide: A light glossy blue glaze with some lighter variegations, breaks to a green over the edges.

3% Cobalt Carbonate, 3% Rutile, 3% Titanium dioxide: A variegated light medium blue glaze that breaks greenish over edges.

2% copper oxide and 2.5% titanium dioxide: Does not leach on vinegar test. Produces a celadon green with some crystals growing on the bottom of the bowl where it pools. Normal application.

For mixing instructions please set the master recipe, GR6-A.

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Ravenscrag Recipe B Light blue


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Firing Schedules Plainsman Cone 6 Electric Standard
Used in the Plainsman lab to fire clay test bars in our small kilns
Typecodes Ravenscrag Slip Recipes
Recipes based on Ravenscrag Slip from Plainsman Clays.
Typecodes Medium Temperature Glaze Recipes
Normally fired at cone 5-7 in electric kilns.

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By Tony Hansen
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