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GA10x-A - Alberta Slip Base for cone 10 oxidation

Modified: 2015-10-30 18:59:53

Alberta Slip creates a glossy transparent brown at cone 10 with the simple addition of 10% frit.

Material Amount
Alberta Slip 1000F Roasted45.00
Alberta Slip45.00
Ferro Frit 313410.00


In oxidation, Alberta Slip creates a glaze that is more transparent and lighter in color. It also melts less than in cone 10R so a little flux is needed (thus the use of the frit here). Since Alberta Slip is plastic, you need to use a mix of calcined and raw powder (see for information on preparation of the calcine).

Related Information

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.

Alberta Slip plus 10% frit 3134 fire at cone 10 oxidation.

Roasting Alberta and Ravenscrag Slips at 1000F: Essential for good glazes

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.

Roasted Alberta Slip (right) and raw powder (left). These are thin-walled 5 inch cast bowls, each holds about 1 kg. I hold the kiln at 1000F for 30 minutes. Why do this? Because Alberta Slip is a clay, it shrinks on drying (if used raw the GA6-B and similar recipes will crack as they dry and then crawl during firing). Roasting eliminates that. Calcining to 1850F sinters some particles together (creating a gritty material) while roasting to 1000F produces a smooth, fluffy powder. Technically, Alberta Slip losses 3% of its weight on roasting so I should use 3% less than a recipe calls for. But I often just swap them gram-for-gram.


Materials Albany Slip
A pure low plasticity clay that, by itself, melted to a glossy dark brown glaze at cone 10R. It was a popular glaze ingredient for many decades.
Materials Alberta Slip
Albany Slip successor - a plastic clay that melts to dark brown glossy at cone 10R, with a frit addition it can also host a wide range of glazes at cone 6.

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By Tony Hansen
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