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BORY1 | CELECG | | FAC5 | FO | G1214M | G1214W | G1214Z1 | G1215U | G1216L | G1216M | G1916Q | G1947U | G2000 | G2240 | G2571A | G2826R | G2826X | g2851H | G2853B | G2896 | G2902B | G2902D | G2916F | G2926B | G2926J | G2926S | G2928C | G2931H | G2931K | G2931L | G2934 | G2934Y | G3806C | G3838A | G3879 | GA10-A | GA10-B | GA10-D | GA10x-A | GA6-A | GA6-B | GA6-C | GA6-D | GA6-F | GA6-G | GA6-G1 | GA6-H | GBCG | GC106 | GR10-A | GR10-B | GR10-C | GR10-E | GR10-G | GR10-J | GR10-J1 | GR10-K1 | GR10-L | GR6-A | GR6-B | GR6-C | GR6-D | GR6-E | GR6-H | GR6-L | GR6-M | GR6-N | GRNTCG | L2000 | L3341B | L3685U | L3724F | L3924C | L3954B | L3954N | TNF2CG | VESUCG

FAAO - Fa's All-Opaque Crystalline Glaze

Modified: 2022-10-13 21:49:13

Cone 8-10 - Opaque surface (crystals and ground), high dolomite and titanium.

Material Amount
Ferro Frit 311046.00
Zinc Oxide18.00
Titanium Dioxide6.00


From Crystal Glazes Book 1 by Fara Shimbo, Page 148.

An excellent "starter glaze".
Crystal number: moderate.
Rate Of Growth: 1-1.5 cm/h
Crystal Color: Ivory to light golden yellow, opaque
to just barely translucent.
Crystal Shape: Spoke-like at high soak temps, very fanned at lower soak temps.
Ground Color: Streaked with white, ivory and cream. Crazing: Can be severe where glaze pools.
Color Response: Nice! Grounds often match the crystals. Seeding properties: When fired at cone 7.5 or 8, does great. Any higher, too many crystals form on their own, and the design is lost.

Related Information

All-Opaque crystal base glaze

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.

A jar for candy or small cookies, 18 cm tall; glazed with 2% iron (the yellow) in the All-Opaque base, and 3% Mason Stain 6300 in the Vesuvius base. Fired to Cone 7.


Firing Schedules Shimbo Crystal Schedule 1
Recipes GBCG - Generic Base Crystalline Glaze
Cone 6-10 - Almost all other Frit 3110 recipes are based on additions to this
Typecodes Crystalline Glaze Recipes Fara Shimbo
These are from Fara's Crystal Glazes books 1 and 2. Most are the frit 3110, zinc, silica base recipe (50:25:25) with small material additions at the expense of silica.


Glaze ColorGround is completely opaque except where glaze pools or when applied very thickly to tiles. Crystals are tinted toward the golden and are sometimes quite yellow. Copper gives olive green and nickel is simply not a match, but cobalt, iron, manganese and most stains will color this glaze very well. Crystals are large and profuse. Matures at cone 9.

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By Tony Hansen
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