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G2240 - Cone 10R Classic Spodumene Matte

Modified: 2008-07-10 19:00:23

Material Amount
Custer Feldspar27.50
Ball Clay10.00


This glaze can be used to create classic matte oatmeal effects at cone 10 reduction. The shade of color varies with thickness, especially on high iron bodies where thinner sections are darker. Many of glazes of this type have micro-dimples in the surface and cutlery marking problems, likely from too much lithia (from spodumene), however this one has been reliable for us.

Related Information

Spodumene glaze with natural ironstone concretion speckle

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.

L3362A speckle test cone 10R (G2240 spodumene) using ground ironstone concretions (50% 70-100 mesh, 35% 50-70 mesh, 15% 40-50 mesh) at 0.5%, 0.3%, 0.1% (left to right).

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By Tony Hansen
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