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Ferro Frit 90 742 F

Alternate Names: Frit 90742F

Description: Glass bonding frit, glass frit


A 1:1 mix of Frit 90 741 F and 90 740 F.
Softens at 600C (1112F).
CTE: 84

Related Information


Oxide Analysis Formula
Ferro Glass Bonding Frits
Materials Ferro Frit 3227
Materials Ferro Frit 90 741 F
Materials Ferro Frit 90 740 F
Typecodes Bonding Frits
Also called glass frits, these melt at very low temperatures (e.g. 500C). They are used to bond together materials that can withstand some heat (e.g. abrasives, ceramics, non-oxide ceramics, metals). And as a surface-smoothing agent. The main product properties are melting temperature and thermal expansion. The powders are mixed with binders, applied and then heated up and down to create the bond.
By Tony Hansen
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