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Albite | Allophane | Alunite | Amblygonite | Amorphous Silica | Anatase | Andalusite | Anorthite | Anorthosite | Aplite | Aragonite | Asbestos | Attapulgite, Palygorskite | Azurite | Baddeleyite | Ball Clay | Barytes, Barite | Bastnäsite | Bauxite | Berthierite | Beryl | Biotite | Boracite | Borate Minerals | Bornite | Brookite | Brucite | Calcite | Cassiterite | Celsian | Cerussite | Chalcedony | Chlorite | Chrysotile | Corundum | Dickite | Dolomite | Fayalite | Feldspar | Galena | Gibbsite | Granite | Gypsum | Hübnerite | Halloysite | Hectorite | Hematite | Hydroboracite | Illite | Illmenite | Iron Pyrite | | Kaolinite | Kernite | Kyanite | Laterite | Lepidolite | Leucite | Limestone | Limonite | Magnesite | Magnetite | Malachite | Manganite | Mica | Microcline, Anorthoclase | Monazite | Montmorillonite, Bentonite | Mullite | Muscovite | Na-Feldspar | Nacrite | Nepheline | Nontronite | Oligoclase | Olivine | Organics | Pegmatite | Phlogopite Mica | Plagioclase | Potash Mica | Pyrophyllite | Quartz | Quartzite | Rutile | Sanidine | Saponite | Selenite | Sepiolite | Sericite | Serpentine | Shale | Sillimanite | Slate | Smectite | Soda Mica | Sodalite | Sphalerite | Steatite | Stibnite | Sylvite | Talc | Tremolite | Trona | Vanadinite | Willemite | Witherite | Zeolite


Most common feldspars contain both sodium and potassium. The term K-Feldspar designates one where the K2O/Na2O balance heavily favors K2O.

Related Information

Stockpile of crude feldspar from MGK Minerals (India) deposit

Closeup of feldspar deposit in the MGK Minerals quarry in India


Materials Clay 215
Materials Clay 216
Materials Clay 220
Materials Clay 220
Materials Clay 222
Materials Clay 232
Materials Clay 233
Materials Feldspar 632
Materials Feldspar 635
Materials FM6 Feldspar
Materials KM71 Feldspar
Materials FK45 Feldspar
Materials Aplite A/3
Materials Ryolite S1
Materials Pegmatite
Materials Kaolin 233
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Minerals Feldspar
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Oxides K2O - Potassium Oxide
By Tony Hansen
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