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Al2O3 | B2O3 | BaO | C | CaO | CO2 | CoO | Cr2O3 | Cu2O | CuO | Fe2O3 | FeO | H2O | K2O | Li2O | LOI | MgO | MnO | MnO2 | Na2O | NiO | O | Organics | P2O5 | PbO | SiO2 | SnO2 | SO3 | SO4 | SrO | TiO2 | V2O5 | ZnO | ZrO | ZrO2

Ag2O | AlF3 | As2O3 | As4O6 | Au2O3 | BaF2 | BeO | Bi2O3 | CaF2 | CdO | CeO2 | Cl | CO | CrO3 | Cs2O | CuCO3 | Dy2O3 | Er2O3 | Eu2O3 | | Fr2O | Free SiO2 | Ga2O3 | GdO3 | GeO2 | HfO2 | HgO | Ho2O3 | In2O3 | IrO2 | KF | KNaO | La2O3 | Lu2O3 | Mn2O3 | MoO3 | N2O5 | NaF | Nb2O5 | Nd2O3 | Ni2O3 | OsO2 | Pa2O5 | PbF2 | PdO | PmO3 | PO4 | Pr2O3 | PrO2 | PtO2 | RaO | Rb2O | Re2O7 | RhO3 | RuO2 | Sb2O3 | Sb2O5 | Sc2O3 | Se | SeO2 | Sm2O3 | Ta2O5 | Tb2O3 | Tc2O7 | ThO2 | Tl2O | Tm2O3 | Trace | U3O8 | UO2 | WO3 | Y2O3 | Yb2O3

F (Fluorine)


Fluorine is used in super low melting frits. In combination with Li2O and small amounts of Bi2O3, boron frits containing fluorine can melt as low as 1100F (600C).

Generally, F is considered to exist in its elemental form in glasses and glazes. Its presence is time-dependent, it will volatilize as F2 gas if firing is extended. Fluorine is very reactive.
Materials like Cryolite and Fluorspar present complex challenges to model the chemistry of their firing.

F2 (or perhaps F) is often listed separately in analyses from manufacturers (not included in general LOI) because the hazardous nature of this gas (produced during firing).

Is that recipe you found online really what you think it is?

Remove fluorine frit from a glaze

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.

It contains significant Frit P-25, I googled that to Digitalfire, it contains 1.8% fluorine! When much of that gases off during firing are you really equipped to deal with fluorine gas in your studio? One answer is to substitute my own frits (which of course do not contain fluorine). I did the calculations in my account at (see the recipes side-by-side). In the formula, I substituted the F (fluorine) for a mix of CaO/MgO. In the recipe, I substituted Ferro Frit 3110 (it is also a high-sodium frit) for the P-25, then I juggled the rest of the recipe to match up the oxides. More Gerstley Borate supplies the lost B2O3, more ball clay supplies the lost Al2O3 and less silica is needed (because the ball clay brought along more). I ended up with a recipe that is going to suspend much better (more clay) and was able to eliminate the whiting (because the rest of the new recipe is supplying more CaO). This recipe has a high thermal expansion, that means crazing. Would it not be easier to simply add a red stain to a clear glaze you already have that is working well on your clay bodies?


Materials Fluorspar
Materials Sodium Fluosilicate
Materials Cryolite
Fluorine at Wikipedia
Oxides Bi2O3 - Bismuth Oxide
Oxides Li2O - Lithium Oxide, Lithia
By Tony Hansen
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