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Fusion Frit F-19

Alternate Names: Fusion Frit F19

Description: Boro Calcium Dinnerware Frit

Oxide Analysis Formula
CaO 14.20% 0.69
Na2O 7.00% 0.31
B2O3 14.60% 0.57
Al2O3 9.70% 0.26
SiO2 54.50% 2.48
Oxide Weight 273.21
Formula Weight 273.21


This frit has a chemistry very similar to Ferro 3124 yet Fusion recommends their Frit 621/19 as closer substitute.

Related Information

Ferro Frit 3124 vs Fusion F-19 at cone 04

Melt flow test of Frit 3124 vs F-19

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.

On paper, Fusion Frit F-19 has a very similar chemistry to 3124. However, as can be seen here, it is flowing a little more and appears to have a lower surface tension. The entrained bubbles are bigger so the glass is more transparent. This brings up some of the same puzzling questions as did our tests on their Fusion Frit F621/19.

G2934 using Fusion Frit F-19 instead of Ferro 3124

Melt fluidity tester comparing two versions of G2934

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.

G2934 is a popular recipe and there has been alarm recently because of the difficulty in getting the Ferro frit and the variation in its quality in recent years. This motivated us to get a supply of the Fusion equivalent, F-19. When doing substitutions like this we do testing in glazes and with melt fluidity tests - like this GLFL test.

Arbuckle Majolica glaze using Fusion Frit F-19

Majolica glaze tiles

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.

Fusion Frit F-19 is said to be a substitute for Ferro Frit 3124, for this particular glaze that appears to be true. The Arbuckle Majolica glaze was applied on Plainsman L210 and fired at cone 04 (but not as thickly applied as would be customary on Majolica ware). On the left is the one with Ferro Frit 3124, on the right is the one with the F-19. The recipe is based on Ferro Frit 3124 and adds 20% of a feldspar neheline mix (likely to increase thermal expansion because it shivered on the original clay body). It is suspended by 10% kaolin. This may craze on your clay body, the G1916Q thermal expansion adjustable transparent base might be a better solution (it responds similarly to a zircon/tin addition to opacify).


Materials Ferro Frit 3124
A commonly available calcium borosilicate frit.
Materials Pemco Frit P-311
Materials Hommel Frit 378A
Materials Hommel Frit 90
Materials General Frit GF-113
Materials Frit
Frits are made by melting mixes of raw materials, quenching the melt in water, grinding the pebbles into a powder. Frits have chemistries raw materials cannot.
Materials Fusion Frit F621/19
A commonly available calcium borosilicate frit having a similar chemistry to Ferro Frit 3124.
Typecodes Frit
A frit is the powdered form a man-made glass. Frits are premelted, then ground to a glass. They have tightly controlled chemistries, they are available for glazes of all types.


Co-efficient of Linear Expansion 7.90
Frit Softening Point 1550F
By Tony Hansen
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