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03DSFF - Cone 03 Fast Fire
04DSDH - Low Temperature Drop-and-Hold
BQ1000 - Plainsman Electric Bisque Firing Schedule
BRTF05 - Bartlett Fast Glaze Cone 05
BRTF6 - Bartlett Fast Glaze Cone 6
BRTS6 - Bartlett Slow Glaze Cone 6
BTFB04 - Bartlett Fast Bisque Cone 04
BTSB04 - Bartlett Slow Bisque Cone 04
BTSG05 - Bartlett Slow Glaze Cone 05
C04PLTP - Plainsman Low Temperature Drop-and-hold
C10RPL - Plainsman Cone 10R Firing
C5DHSC - Plainsman Cone 5 Drop-and-Hold Slow-Cool
C6DHSC - Plainsman Cone 6 Slow Cool
C6IRED - Cone 6 Iron Reds
C6MSGL1 - Mastering Glazes Cone 6
C6PLST - Plainsman Cone 6 Electric Standard
FSCG1 - Shimbo Crystal Schedule 1
FSCGB1 - Shimbo Crystal Holding Pattern 2
FSCGCL - Shimbo Crystal Celestite Schedule
FSCGWM - Wollast-O-Matte Fara Shimbo Crystalline Glaze
FSCRGL - GC106 Base for Crystalline Glazes
FSHP1 - Shimbo Crystal Holding Pattern 1
FSHP3 - Shimbo Crystal Holding Pattern 3
FSNM5 - Fa's Number Five
MDDCL - Medalta Decal Firing
PLC6CR - Cone 6 Crystal Glaze Plainsman
PLC6DS - Cone 6 Drop-and-Soak Firing Schedule
QICA - Quartz Inversion Cracking Avoider

"FSCG1" Firing Schedule

Shimbo Crystal Schedule 1

A very quick rise, late in the firing, to target cone is essential when growing crystals. The glazes used for this are very alkaline and leach from the porcelain the one thing that will really ruin your crystals: alumina. The more time the kiln spends at or around your porcelain’s vitrification temperature, the more alumina will be leached. The more alumina, the stiffer the melt of the glaze. The stiffer the melt, the fewer if any crystals you will get.
I’ve found that so long as I can make the last 40°C/~100°F in 1.5 hours or less, I’m fine. More than that ... time to replace the elements, or use the kiln for non-crystalline items.

No kiln will be able to achieve one or more of these rates of climb or drop. And, all but very small or thin-walled ware would crack. Fara is saying above that the degree to which it is possible will determine how well crystals will grow.

Step °C °F Hold Time
1 100°C/hr to 250C  180°F/hr to 482F  0 2:32  
2 200°C/hr to 500C  360°F/hr to 932F  0 3:47  
3 500°C/hr to 1270C  900°F/hr to 2318F  0 5:19  
4 999°C/hr to 1100C  1798°F/hr to 2012F  0 5:29  
5 10°C/hr to 1075C  18°F/hr to 1967F  0 7:59  
Start temperature assumed: 25°C or 75°F
"Fahrenheit degrees" is not the same as "degrees Fahrenheit". A 100° reading on a Fahrenheit thermometer is equal to a 37° reading on a Celcius thermometer. But "100 Fahrenheit degrees of temperature change" is equivalent "55 Celsius degrees of change". That is an important distinction to understand the above temperature conversions.

Related Information


Recipes VESUCG - Vesuvius Crystalline Glaze
Cone 7-9 - Titanium-free with whiting, magnesium carbonate
Recipes TNF2CG - Tin Foil II Crystalline Glaze
Cone 6-9 - Dolomite, tin, titanium variant
Recipes FAAO - Fa's All-Opaque Crystalline Glaze
Cone 8-10 - Opaque surface (crystals and ground), high dolomite and titanium.
Recipes GRNTCG - GRANITE Crystalline Glaze
Cone 8-10 - High titanium variant
Recipes GBCG - Generic Base Crystalline Glaze
Cone 6-10 - Almost all other Frit 3110 recipes are based on additions to this
Typecodes Oxidation Firing
By Tony Hansen
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