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MGK Mica & Feldspar Mine of M/s MGK Trading House (P) Ltd.
This mine is situated on the own Patta land(84 Hect.) near village Uchapalli about 7.5 km from Podalakur Mandal head quarter, which, is at a distance of 34 km from Nellore, where the nearest Railway station is located. National highway No.5 passes at a distance of 18 km from the lease area. Nearest major sea port is at Krisna pattanam (54Km) and nearest Aerodrome is at Renigunta which is at 82 km from the mines.
It is located in toposheet No. 57N/15, latitude 14O-29’ 58’’ longitude 79O 35’ 23’’. This area is surrounded by agricultural and waste lands. The topographic can be said as gentle slop towards south east only towards a seasonal nala i.e. seasonal local water flow. The topographic can be said as high gradient plane terrain. The highest and lowest level deference is 4 m.
In the east middle part of the lease hold three pegmatite bodies were identified, which appears to be premier and best quartz / feldspar / mica mines. The eastern pegmatite is called main pegmatite body. This main pegmatite body is striking North-East with westerly dipping. It has about 300m. strike length. This was explored and exploited. The other pegmatite which is on the western side about 110m. distance is having 55m. strike length and dipping 60o towards west with striking almost North-South. This is also exploited. In addition, there are one additional pegmatite outcropped on the southern side of the ML, and another on the North side of the lease boundary. This pit was earlier abandoned as mica concentration was less.
The presence of thick, simultaneous and parallel mica flakes (can be defined as remaining of old mica books) is the prominent feature for slow movement during the pegmatization. This is the significant feature of high availability of mica of economic nature. In the south west part some quartzite exposures are there but by examining it is found that these are some stringes of quartzites which appears to be originated due to quartz sweating. So the pit excavated in this area is left as a abandoned pit.
The area is predominantly covered by schists dominating by country rocks like Amphibole and biotite schist. Due to the alteration and loss of water molecule, some portion of biotite schist have been converted in to vermiculite schist. The pegmatite body of elongated dome trending north east – south west dipping south east at angle of 40o
The internal structure consists of boarder zone and wall zone. The boarder zone is widely well defined thick coarse grained, It merges in to the wall zone composed of Albite – Aligoclase –Perthite and quartz. Wall zone / intermediate zone is a productive zone composed of Albite muscovite, quartz/feldspar with garnet as an accessory.
In this area the Geology can be concluded as, the mica pegmatite are intrusive in to the schistose series of rock along the folia of the shcists, noses of the folds and other structural futures. The pegmatites is observed to reveal dextral and sinistral enchelon distribution with north and south pitches and mica shoots seem to be localized in similar structural horizons. Mica concentration near and along the quartz core and near the foot wall and hanging wall also were observed.
South west part of the lease hold comprises of vermiculite bearing mica schist with long headed flaky crystals which are called to be high grade vermiculite.
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MGK Soda Feldspar
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MGK Alakali Feldspar
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MGK Potash Feldspar
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In ceramics, feldspars are used in glazes and clay bodies. They vitrify stonewares and porcelains. They supply KNaO flux to glazes to help them melt. |
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Port Krishnapatnam is 65 kms from the MGK feldspar mines and 180 kms from the Chennai port.
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Map showing location of MGK Feldspar and Quartz mine near Chennai, India.
By Tony Hansen Follow me on ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() |
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