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OptiKast Kaolin

Alternate Names: OptiCast

Description: Large Particle Size Kaolin

Oxide Analysis Formula
SiO2 45.20% 1.98
Al2O3 38.70% 1.00
Fe2O3 0.50% 0.01
TiO2 1.60% 0.05
CaO 0.10% -
K2O 0.10% -
Na2O 0.10% -
LOI 13.60%n/a
C 0.03%n/a
SO3 0.04%n/a
Oxide Weight 227.46
Formula Weight 263.47


optiKast is a coarse-grained kaolin used primarily in ceramic casting applications. It has a very fast cast and exceptional deflocculation characteristics. Thus optiKasT is preferred in pressure casting systems.

Velvacast kaolin is no longer available, this is the recommended substitute. One concern with Velvacast was its dark fired color (compared to other common plastic kaolins). Opticast has higher iron and TiO2 contents, this could impact translucency in porcelains, for example. Thus you may need to fire tests and adjust other materials in the recipe if needed. We have done fired shrinkage, porosity, dry performance and plasticity comparison tests between these two materials Oct 2011 and they do appear very similar, Opticast is a little more plastic and does not appear to fire darker at cone 8 and 10.

Related Information


Typecodes Kaolin
Pure clay mineral, there are many brand names of varying purity and iron content.
Materials Velvacast Kaolin


% < 0.5 microns 18.0
% < 5 microns 74.0
% Passing 325 Mesh Wet 94.0
Modulus of Rupture - Dry 225 psi (50/50 clay/silica)
Surface Area (m2/gm) 11.0
% < 20 microns 94.0
% < 10 microns 85.0
% < 2 microns 55.0
% < 1 micron 37.0
pH for dry powder 5.7
By Tony Hansen
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