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Dolocron 40-13

Description: 325 mesh Dolomite, CaMg(CO3)2

Oxide Analysis Formula
CaO 30.42% 0.50
MgO 21.85% 0.50
Fe2O3 0.30% -
LOI 47.40%n/a
Oxide Weight 48.48
Formula Weight 92.16


Produced in Canaan, CT. A pulverized dolomitic limestone (calcium-magnesium carbonate). Used in many industries (for applications like putties, rubber, cement, plastics, ceramics, coatings).

The 40-13 designation means the largest particle size is 40 microns (325 mesh) and the oil absorption is 13 grams/100 grams.

This is attractive for dolomite clay bodies, since its fine particle size assures that there will be no problems with decrepitation that occurs with larger limestone particles.

This material is 55% CaCO3 and 43% MgCO3, 0.3% Fe2O3.
Specific gravity: 2.8
Bulk density: 1.04 g/cc (65 lbs/cubic ft)

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By Tony Hansen
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