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Jasper Slip

Description: Albany Slip Substitute

Oxide Analysis Formula
CaO 7.10% 0.54
K2O 2.70% 0.12
MgO 2.90% 0.31
Na2O 0.40% 0.03
TiO2 0.80% 0.04
Al2O3 14.10% 0.59
SiO2 55.10% 3.92
Fe2O3 5.60% 0.15
LOI 11.30%n/a
Oxide Weight 379.65
Formula Weight 428.02


United Clays recommends this as a substitute for Albany Slip. It is very plastic, much more so than Albany Slip (drying shrinkage is over 9%).

Particle size distribution (% undersize)
20um 94
10um 89
5um 79
2um 61
1um 49
0.5um 37

pH: 8.0

Fired color cone 4: Chocolate semi-gloss
Cone 6: Dark brown gloss
Cone 10: Brown translucent

Thermal Expansion: See United Clay data sheet for chart.

Related Information

Jasper slip powder

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Jasper Slip fired bars

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.

Fired at cone 2, 1, 02, 05 (top to bottom). Reaches zero porosity between cone 1 and 2.


Materials Albany Slip
A pure low plasticity clay that, by itself, melted to a glossy dark brown glaze at cone 10R. It was a popular glaze ingredient for many decades.
Materials Alberta Slip
Albany Slip successor - a plastic clay that melts to dark brown glossy at cone 10R, with a frit addition it can also host a wide range of glazes at cone 6.
Materials Arroyo Slip
Typecodes Clay Other
Clays that are not kaolins, ball clays or bentonites. For example, stoneware clays are mixtures of all of the above plus quartz, feldspar, mica and other minerals. There are also many clays that have high plasticity like bentonite but are much different mineralogically.
By Tony Hansen
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