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Vansil Wollastonite

Alternate Names: Vansil

Description: Calcium Metasilicate

Oxide Analysis Formula
CaO 45.00% 0.95
K2O 0.10% -
MgO 1.50% 0.04
Na2O 0.10% -
Al2O3 0.70% 0.01
SiO2 50.00% 0.99
Fe2O3 0.20% -
LOI 1.60%n/a
Oxide Weight 115.91
Formula Weight 117.79


This is the most common grade used in ceramic wall and floor tile, in glazes, and in frits for glazes and enamels. It also finds use in glaze and body stains, in bonds for vitrified grinding wheels, in electrical insulators, and as an auxiliary flux.

Different grades of the material vary in particle size (especially in the +325-200 range)

Density Mg/m3: 2.9
Weight (lbs/gal): 24.2
pH at 10% solids: 10-11
GE Brightness: 83
Hegman Fineness: 4
+325 mesh: 0.03%

W-10 has similar data except it is 19% +325 mesh (200 mesh grade). W-20 is 2.5% +325 mesh.
W-C-1 and DFSP are crushed.

Related Information

Vansil Wollastonite grade info

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.


Materials Wollastonite
Typecodes Flux Source
Materials that source Na2O, K2O, Li2O, CaO, MgO and other fluxes but are not feldspars or frits. Remember that materials can be flux sources but also perform many other roles. For example, talc is a flux in high temperature glazes, but a matting agent in low temperatures ones. It can also be a flux, a filler and an expansion increaser in bodies.
Vansil Wollastonite Data Sheet Links
Vanderbilt Minerals for Ceramics Technical Sheet
Includes Vansil, Pyrax, Peerless, Dixie, Veegum, Vanzan, Darvan.
By Tony Hansen
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