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Alternate Names: Red Stone

Description: Plainsman Native Clay

Oxide Analysis Formula
BaO 0.32% 0.02
CaO 0.19% 0.03
K2O 2.57% 0.21
MgO 0.76% 0.14
Na2O 0.05% 0.01
TiO2 0.65% 0.06
Al2O3 13.54% 1.00
P2O5 0.55% 0.03
SiO2 72.26% 9.06
Fe2O3 4.10% 0.19
MnO 0.01% -
LOI 5.00%n/a
Oxide Weight 715.66
Formula Weight 753.32


A natural high iron, mid-temperature stoneware clay of good plasticity. It is particulary well suited to oxidation bodies in the middle temperature ranges. It is very deep red at cone 7-8.

Fired Temperature, Cone 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fired Shrinkage: 3.1% 3.4% 3.7% 4.0% 4.2% 4.4%
Absorption: 6.4% 5.0% 4.0% 3.5% 3.0% 1.9%
Fired Strength:
(lbs/ square inch) 5100 5300 5600 5900 6400

Sieve Analysis Wet Washed
(Root of 2 series) +35 +48 +65 +100 +150# +200 +325
0.0% 0.3% 2.4% 5.1% 7.6% 10.0% 22.2%

Texture: Sl. tooth
Plastic Index (1-10): 5
Green Strength (lbs/sqaure inch): 850
Dry shrinkage: 5.0
Dried density: 2.05
PCE: 15.5

Related Information

Fire-Red and Restone fired test bars

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.

Plainsman Fire-Red (left) fired at cone 8,9,10,11 and 10R and Redstone (right) fired at cone 4,5,6,7,8.


Redstone Data Sheet
Materials M2 Red Stoneware
Materials Fire-Red
Materials Calvert Clay
Typecodes Clay Other
Clays that are not kaolins, ball clays or bentonites. For example, stoneware clays are mixtures of all of the above plus quartz, feldspar, mica and other minerals. There are also many clays that have high plasticity like bentonite but are much different mineralogically.


Pyrometric Cone Equivalent 15
By Tony Hansen
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