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50-250C (122-482F) | 80-250C (176-482F) | 120C (248F) | 150C (302F) | 180C (356F) | 185C (365F) | 200-1000C (392-1832F) | 200-450C (392-842F) | 200C (392F) | 210-280C (410-536F) | 260C (500F) | 290C (554F) | 300C (572F) | 300-330C (572-626F) | 300C (572F) | 370C (698F) | 370-700C (698-1292F) | 400-600C (752-1112F) | 400C (752F) | 425-650C (797-1202F) | | 500-600C (932-1112F) | 512C (953F) | 540-600C (1004-1112F) | 650-900C (1202-1652F) | 750-850C (1382-1562F) | 750-1000C (1382-1832F) | 760C (1400F) | 760C (1400F) | 787C (1448F) | 800-1100C (1472-2012F) | 815C (1499F) | 815C (1499F) | 843C (1549F) | 850-950C (1562-1742F) | 850C (1562F) | 850C (1562F) | 870-900C (1598-1652F) | 871C (1599F) | 900C (1652F) | 900-1000C (1652-1832F) | 900C (1652F) | 926C (1698F) | 932C (1709F) | 954C (1749F) | 980C (1796F) | 982C (1799F) | 990C (1814F) | 1025-1325C (1877-2417F) | 1025C (1877F) | 1050C (1922F) | 1050C (1922F) | 1065-1120C (1949-2048F) | 1082C (1979F) | 1100C (2012F) | 1100C (2012F) | 1100C (2012F) | 1100C (2012F) | 1300C (2372F) | 1325C (2417F) | 1330C (2426F) | 1360C (2480F) | 1418-1428C (2584-2602F) | 1420C (2588F) | 1510C (2750F) | 1550C (2822F) | 1565C (2849F) | 1650C (3002F) | 1785C (3245F) | 1990C (3614F) | 2300C (4172F) | 2320C (4208F)

470-1200C (878-2192F)

Manganese dioxide decomposes to MnO

This happens in stages: MnO2 to Mn2O3 to Mn3O4 and finally to MnO. The LOI is 18%.

Related Information

How do metal oxides compare in their degrees of melting?

Metal oxides melting

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.

These metal oxides have been mixed with 50% Ferro frit 3134 and fired to cone 6 oxidation. Chrome and rutile have not melted, copper and cobalt are extremely active melters, frothing and boiling. Cobalt and copper have crystallized during cooling. Manganese has formed an iridescent glass.


Materials Manganese Dioxide
A source of MnO used in ceramic glazes and the production of ceramic stains. Commonly made by grinding pyrolusite rock.
Temperatures Manganese compounds may begin to fume (932-)
Fisher Scientific MnO2 SDS
The decomposition of MnO2.
By Tony Hansen
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