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Copper Hydroxide

Alternate Names: Copper(II) hydroxide, Copper Hydrate, Cupric Hydroxide

Oxide Analysis Formula
CuO 81.53% 1.00
H2O 18.46%n/a
Oxide Weight 79.54
Formula Weight 97.55


CAS 20427-59-2
This is less reactive than copper carbonate basic and more reactive than cupric oxide (CuO). This material does not contribute to CO2 bubbling in glazes.

Copper Hydroxide has a fairly complex decomposition as it is heated to melting point. Around 185C it loses about 18% weight as it decomposes to the heat stable CuO (cupric oxide) which remains stable until 1000C. Around 1050C about 6.5% is lost, likely involving partial loss of oxygen to form a mix of cuprous and cupric oxides.

Please check the accompanying curve to see the history of weight loss as this is fired (courtesty of Bob Hickerson, World Metal, LLC). You can see how much weight it lost, where it occurs and how fast it happens. Compare this with Copper Carbonate Basic to see the difference.

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TGA/DTA curve showing weight loss over temperature range


Materials Copper Carbonate
A source of CuO copper oxide used in ceramic glazes to produce a variety of colors (used only or with other colorants).
Materials Copper Carbonate Basic
This form of copper carbonate is the article of commerce, a mixture of theoretical copper carbonate and copper hydroxide.
Materials Mysorine
Temperatures Copper hydroxide decomposes to CuO (185-)
Hazards Copper Compounds Toxicology
Typecodes Colorant
Metallic based materials that impart fired color to glazes and bodies.
Copper Hydroxide at Wikipedia


TGA See accompanying chart picture
By Tony Hansen
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