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Pyrofrac 2023

Oxide Analysis Formula
K2O 0.20% 0.01
Na2O 0.20% 0.02
TiO2 0.40% 0.02
Al2O3 21.00% 1.00
SiO2 72.40% 5.85
Fe2O3 1.00% 0.03
Cl 4.80%n/a
Oxide Weight 462.40
Formula Weight 485.71


Used in structural clay coatings, refractory formulations, whiteware ceramics, art pottery to
increase refractoriness, reduce shrinkage, and widen firing range.
This material is made by crushing & screening of selectively mined andalusite/pyrophyllite/sericite ores
with heavy media separation.

Related Information


Materials Andalusite
Materials Pyrophyllite
Materials Alkatrol
Materials Pyrofrac
Materials Seriphyl


Bulk Density lbs/cu. ft. (Packed) 70
Pyrometric Cone Equivalent 29
Sieve Analysis Dry +20 mesh: 10.1 +50 mesh: 59.3 +70 mesh: 13.5 +100 mesh: 8.2 +200 mesh: 7.0 +325 mesh: 1.0
Density (Specific Gravity) 2.7
By Tony Hansen
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