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Natural Red Iron Oxide

Alternate Names: Indian Red

Oxide Analysis Formula
SiO2 17.70% 2.56
Al2O3 4.00% 0.34
Fe2O3 65.40% 3.56
TiO2 0.09% 0.01
CaO 3.47% 0.54
MgO 0.05% 0.01
Na2O 2.07% 0.29
K2O 0.74% 0.07
P2O5 1.50% 0.09
LOI 4.96%n/a
Oxide Weight 826.92
Formula Weight 870.08


Natural red iron oxide is delivered as a red powder or in lump form. It is used in paint, rubber and ceramics.

The analysis given here is only an example, this is a natural material and of course the chemistry is widely variable from place to place. SO3 can be present in significant amounts. Iron content will vary from 40 to 70% and grades are sold according to its amount. Here is another example:

CaO: 0.90
Na2O: 0.80
Al2O3: 1.34
SiO2: 18.32
SO3: 1.97
L.O.I: 2.10
Fe2O3: 64.00

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Natural Red Iron Oxide powder


Materials Iron Oxide Black
Materials YLO-1888D Yellow Iron Oxide
Materials Iron Oxide Yellow
Materials Iron Oxide Red
Red iron oxide is the most common colorant used in ceramic bodies and glazes. As a powder, it is available in red, yellow, black and other colors.
Hazards Iron oxide and Hematite
Typecodes Colorant
Metallic based materials that impart fired color to glazes and bodies.
By Tony Hansen
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