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Spinks Blend Ball

Alternate Names: Spinks Blend #1, Spinks Blend Ball Clay

Description: Ball clay for casting slips

Oxide Analysis Formula
CaO 0.23% 0.02
K2O 0.67% 0.03
MgO 0.24% 0.02
Na2O 0.19% 0.01
TiO2 1.50% 0.07
Al2O3 26.80% 1.00
P2O5 0.11% -
SiO2 58.70% 3.72
Fe2O3 1.06% 0.03
MnO 0.02% -
LOI 10.65%n/a
Oxide Weight 340.71
Formula Weight 381.32


A coarse to fine-grained engineered blend designed as the complete ball clay fraction of casting slip. This clay exhibits excellent rheological, casting, and firming characteristics while promoting green strength. Ideally suited for all casting applications.

Relative Viscosity (1.2 Sp. Gr.):* 1.43
Casting Rate: (gms per 15 min/426 cm2):* 244

Cone 04 8 11
Fired Shrinkage:* 0.0% 1.6% 2.0%
Absorption:* 18.0% 15.3% 14.1%
M.O.R. psi:* 1091 2538 3994

Thermal Expansion, Cone 8: .624% at 700C
P.C.E.: 31
pH: 4.9
Oil Absorption: 32
Bulk Density, lbs per cubic foot: 34-40
Particle Size, Microns: 20 10 5 2 1 0.5 0.2
91% 84% 75% 60% 48% 35% 15%

*MOR, dry shrinkage specimens: De-aired, extruded, 50% ball clay, 50% flint

Related Information


Typecodes Ball Clay
Ball clays are abundant and very plastic and are used in all types of plastic forming bodies. They are not as white-burning or refractory as kaolins but lower in iron and fluxes than bentonites.
Materials KT #1-4 Ball Clay


Drying Shrinkage 4.98%
Modulus of Rupture - Dry 496 psi
Water of Plasticity 18.8
By Tony Hansen
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