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Zochem Grade 500 Zinc Oxide

Oxide Analysis Formula
PbO 0.05% -
ZnO 99.70% 1.00
LOI 0.30%n/a
Oxide Weight 81.43
Formula Weight 81.67


Their general purpose product, recommended for ceramics. Their data sheet states:

Grade 500 is a brilliant white powder manufactured by the French (Indirect) Process. Grade 500 is a popular general use high quality lower lead (Pb) zinc oxide. It meets GMP 21CFR110, is USFDA approved as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) at 21cfr182.8991 and is authorized by the USFDA for use wherever GRAS is approved including food contact in rubber, plastics, and coatings. Grade 500 also meets the requirements of ASTM specification D79, 2000/53/EC End of Life Vehicles (ELV Directive), 2002/95/EC Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) for heavy metals and Waste Electrical and Electronic Directive (WEEE), and other regulations where high quality zinc oxide is required.

The iron content is so low that we have not quoted it.

Related Information


Zochem Grade 500 Zinc Oxide data sheet
Zochem web site
Zochem Zinc Oxide Recommended Products by Application
Materials Zinc Oxide
A pure source of ZnO for ceramic glazes, it is 100% pure with no LOI.
By Tony Hansen
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