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Tektamer 38 Biocide

Description: Kills bacteria, fungus in bodies and glazes


This is a powdered or liquid material which can be added to clay slurries and bodies to prevent the growth of fungus and bacteria which affect plasticity and produce unpleasant odors. When glazes contain organic gums, for example, this can become an issue. Products like this can affect glaze viscosity over time so there may be a need to adjust with a flocculant or deflocculant. In worst-case scenarios, glazes can thin and settle in the bucket.

They provide documentation on:
-Toxicology in rats, dogs, rabbits, etc. indicates the material is safe.
-A paper showing its performance as an antifungal in paint.
-Impact on the environment
-Safety data sheet (ingestion and eye irritant)

The material is described as a broad spectrum preservative for aqueous paints, polymer emulsions, joint cements, adhesives, dispersed pigments, waxes, polishes, inks. Tektamer 38 A.D. is a 25% aqueous dispersion of Tektamer 38. Tektamer 38 L.V. is a low viscosity 25% solution.

It controls bacteria, fungi, yeast and algae. It remains stable under normal conditions, and remains active for extended periods in end use products. It is stable in storage for 3+ years. It is non-ionic and therefore compatible with most formulations. It works in pH range 2.0-9.5 and requires no unusual handling precautions. It does not contain mercury, tin, barium, arsenic or other heavy metals, no formaldehyde, contributes no odor, does not require a warning label on end use product, does not loose effectiveness after repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

The technical grade powder is > 98 % 1.2-dibromo-2.4-dicyanobutane.

Related Information


Oxide Analysis Formula
Hazards Sodium Azide Toxicology
Materials CMC Gum
CMC gum is indispensable for many types of ceramic glazes. It is a glue and is mainly used to slow drying and improve adhesion and dry hardness.
Materials Vancide MZ-98
Materials Amical
Materials Dowicil Preservative
Materials Phenolformaldehyde
EPA Evaluation of Tektamer Biocide
Lanxess Tektamer Biocide home page
Typecodes Biocide
These are added to glazes and bodies to prevent the growth of micro organisms. Often targeted at bacteria, mold or fungi.
By Tony Hansen
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