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Lead Bisilcate B-15

Description: Lead alumina bilsilicate frit (with 1% TiO2)

Oxide Analysis Formula
PbO 63.00% 1.00
Al2O3 2.00% 0.07
SiO2 34.00% 2.00
TiO2 1.00% 0.04
Oxide Weight 354.29
Formula Weight 354.29

Related Information

Lead bisilicate frit data sheet claims high resistance to leaching

A lead bilicate data sheet

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.

Notice it is specifically "formulated for use in pottery glazes". And that "Lead bisilicate is extremely resistant to leaching by dilute acids, including gastric juices, which reduces its toxicity and offers the maximum safety of any of the lead products." In many countries, the use of lead glazes is still considered normal and safe. There is zero use of lead in pottery glazes in North America. Is it possible that we have tarred all lead products with the same brush? Could we at least be using it on non-functional decorated surfaces of low-fire stoneware? This would drastically reduce the energy consumption of kilns.


Materials Ceraflux
An alumina lead bisilicate from Hammond Lead Products in Indiana. The data sheet claims it is safe and insoluble in stomach acid.
Materials Lead Bisilicate Frit
A standard frit of 1 molar part of PbO and 2 of SiO2. It is considered stable and non-leachable.
Typecodes Leaded Frit
Frits can contain 1% or 80% PbO so this category can be misleading, check the chemistry to find out.


Density (Specific Gravity) 4.65-4.95
Frit Melting Range (C) 788-816C
By Tony Hansen
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