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Ultracast 760-C

Description: CLAY SLURRY

Oxide Analysis Formula
CaO 0.10% 0.01
K2O 1.40% 0.06
MgO 0.30% 0.03
Na2O 0.16% 0.01
TiO2 1.61% 0.09
Al2O3 24.05% 1.00
SiO2 60.87% 4.30
Fe2O3 1.01% 0.03
LOI 10.28%n/a
Oxide Weight 379.58
Formula Weight 423.08


A clean kaolinitic ball clay slurry blend which exhibits superior properties for a variety of uses including fillter applications, ceramic tile body and glaze applications.

Specific Gravity: 1.605
% Solids: 61
Viscosity @ 90F (cps Brookfield, 100 rpm, spindle 3): 200-800
pH @90F: 5.7-6.3
CEC/MBI (meq/100 ml): 8.0-9.0
+200 mesh Residue (%): 0.0-1.0
+325 mesh Residue (%): 0.0-2.0
Soluble Sulfates (ppm): 150-350
Deflocculant Type: Sodium Silicate "N" Brand

Particle Size (% finer than):
5 microns: 86
1 micron: 63
0.5 microns: 53

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Typecodes Ball Clay
Ball clays are abundant and very plastic and are used in all types of plastic forming bodies. They are not as white-burning or refractory as kaolins but lower in iron and fluxes than bentonites.
By Tony Hansen
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