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Granular Ilmenite

Alternate Names: Illmenite Granular, Granular Illmenite, Granular Iron Titanate

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Original Container bag of Granular Ilmenite

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Illmenite Granular in a porcelain clay body

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Fired at cone 6. This grade of illmenite is about 17% between 70 and 100 mesh, the rest in finer than 100 mesh. By Garret Schipper.

0.02% manganese, ilmenite, rutile granular in a buff stoneware at cone 6

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Clearly, the manganese is blossoming and producing far better speckle than the other two.


Oxide Analysis Formula
Typecodes Colorant
Metallic based materials that impart fired color to glazes and bodies.
Materials Granular Rutile
The same material as milled rutile, but ground only to granular size.
Materials Ilmenite
Materials Manganese Granular
In ceramics, it is used primarily in clays and glazes to achieve fired speckle (including the brick industry).
Materials Magnetite Granular


Glaze VariegationIllmenite granular is available in a variety of particle sizes and can be employed to add speckle to glazes. Start with about 0.2%.
By Tony Hansen
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