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Glass Sand
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Glass Sand

Alternate Names: Silicon dioxide, silica, quartz sand

Oxide Analysis Formula
SiO2 100.00% 678.87
Al2O3 0.25% 1.00
Oxide Weight 40,902.00
Formula Weight 40,902.00


Used in glass containers, flat glass, fiber glass insulation, frit production and a variety of other specialty glass products. We have included a token impurity just as a reminder that these products are not completely pure.

Related Information


Materials Edgar Glass Sand
Materials Silica
Silica, sold as a white powder, is pure quartz mineral. Quartz is pure SiO2 silicon dioxide. It is the most abundant mineral on earth and most used in ceramics.
Materials Crystalline Silica
Typecodes Silica/Quartz
Quartz is very abundant and there are many grades and name brands.
URLs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartz
Quartz on WikiPedia
URLs https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/safety-and-health-at-work/resources-library/publications/WCMS_118100/lang--en/index.htm
Crystalline silica in respirable airborne dusts at International Labour Organization
URLs https://www.ussilica.com/
U.S. SILICA Website
URLs http://www.u-s-silica.com/msds.htm
Example of a glass sand MSDS
Oxides SiO2 - Silicon Dioxide, Silica
By Tony Hansen
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