A single component binder, saturant/coating multi-use polymer. It dries clear at room temperature to a translucent, light transmitting, rigid/hard plastic. It is a water based resin with properties similar to solvent-based, two-component resin systems such as epoxies, polyesters, etc. It is non-toxic, odorless, non-flammable, cleans with water, fast drying, easy to use.
Aqua Form is self adhesive and can be used as a glue for bonding applications similar to carpenters white glues.
Its main use is for sculpture objects, displays, props, figure draping, lace and net stiffening, fabric flowers, dolls, puppets, lamp shades, parade float figures, giant leaves, ribbon effects, lightweight armor, display objects, grahics, special effects, masks, and as a reinforcement agent in plastic and portland cement.
Simply coat, dip or drape a saturated fabric of your choice over a styrofoam armature or chicken wire form and let dry. Burlap, muslin, duct or cotton fabric are best and they are natural and offer faster drying. It is preferable to paint or spray Aqua Form on the fabric with it draped in place.
Food dyes can be added for color effect. Other forms of pigments such as universal colorants used in latex paint work quite well.
One to six coats will determine how tough and end result is. Use of two to four coats is typical. When dry and set it is a hard as a fiberglass part.
Aqua Form can be used both in doors and for exterior applications provided it is coated with a permanent waterproof coating such as "Zel Coat" or epoxy/urethane paints or polyurethane varnish. Whatever coating is used, it must be UV resistant and for exterior use. Indoor objects pose no problem and do not require a sealer coating.
Aqua Form accepts grit, ground cork, biller powders, glow-in-the-dark pigments, aqueous dryes, dry and wet pigments, tempera powder paints, clay powder, dry wood flour, saw dust, etc.
Conventional spackling and putty sealers can be applied over the surface of Aqua Form once it is thoroughly dry. It is prefereable to seal the surface with a wash coat of shellac or urethane varnish to avoid re-softening, then apply contentional wet prepared joint compound such as used on plaster board and sheetrock joints. This is an inexpensive water putty which sands easily, drys fast, and can actually be buttered on with a sponge or stiff bristle brush. It washes up and thins with water.
Sheetrock joint compound comes in dry powder to which you add water or wet it with Aqua Form to a paste, then apply to your form. This makes a nice, easy-to-sand mixture for smooth surfaces. Before applying this compound, make certain the surface is dry and sealed first.
Drying Time: A humid, damp day, rainy weather or a cold workshop will slow drying time considerably. Aqua Form is a water-based system. The water component must evaporate to effect a hard, crisp property. A warm, dry environment is important.
Single coats dry in 15 minutes. A second factor worth noting is the choice of fabric or paper binder chosen. A heavy-weave material, felt or high absorbency fabrics will take longer to dry. Thin, shear, inexpensive cotton textiles seem to offer the best rate of drying and economy. Upholstry muslin such as used under chairs and counches, cotton diapers and plain unbleached muslin make the lighest weight possible.
Numerous synthetic non-woven materials are also worth using but are a bit slow to dry.
It takes about 16 oz of Aqua Form per square foot to stiffen a fabric.
Aqua Form can be heated with a hair dryer and reshaped.
Aqua Form Part B
For softening Aqua Form into a rubbery coating a separate safe additive which readily blends with part A is available. Simply add part B under sheer agitation using an impeller blade. Mix 1 quart of part A with 8 oz. of part B softener.
Pigments such as dayglo hot colors can be added quite easily without phase separation. Non-aerating stainless steel mixing equipment is recommended (i.e. Jiffy Mixer).
Price 1995: $37.5 per gallon, filler $25/lb
Other similar products:
EZ PLASTIC: Non-toxic moldmaking and casting compound. Simple 1:1 mix. Fast setting, odorless (20 lb kit about $110)
EZ PLASTIC PART C: Turns EZ PLASTIC into a variable, rigid foam system (2 oz $25)
FLESHTEX: A moldmaking/casting system for flexible molds. Superior for prosthetics, skins, inflatables. Paint with it, almost impossible to tear, a favorite of special effects make-up artists. A part C is available to vary the hardness. A part D can be used to thicken the mix to be buttered on vertical surfaces (2 gal kit $130/$25/$25)
FLESHTEX CLEAR: A crystal clear, flexible elastomer which sets at room temperature in 10-15 minutes (2 gal kit $150)
BREAKAWAY RESIN: Crystal clear resin to create breakaway bottles, windows, etc for films, commercials, etc. (5 lbs $50)
COMPOUND 2000: A single component crystal clear, air drying, super stretchable rubber (up to 2000%) (5 gallon $450)
VINELLE CLEAR: Remeltable rubber which can be heated, cast and recycled (2 gal $200)
ZELLO: A super soft, flexible clear elastomer. Remains permantently soft and has a tacky surface feel (5 gal $600)
PROTO PLASTIC: Similar to EZ PLASTIC but sets in minutes. Accessory materials make it a foam, fire retardant and clarify it (10 gal $750)
OPTI KLEER: Room temperature cure clear epoxy (3 gal $300)
PLASTIK KLAY: Plastic beads that soften in water and knead like modelling clay. Remains soft and pliable for several minutes permitting enough time to press a ball of warm PLASTIK KLAY against a cool surface and make a negative copy mold (1 gal $100)
Z WAX: Soft easy to melt non-paraffin wax. Reproduces fine detail (4 lbs $100)
Also available: Coatings and sealants, smoke and steams, fog fluids, ice, frost, snow, flame protection and pyrotechnic products. Catalogs, How To books and pyrotechnical consulting also available.
Zeller International, Main Street, Box Z, Downsville, NY 13755 607-363-7792 FAX 607-363-2071
By Tony Hansen Follow me on
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