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Frit A 3032

Alternate Names: Frit A3032

Description: Reimbold & Strick low expansion stoneware frit

Oxide Analysis Formula
CaO 7.00% 0.39
Na2O 12.00% 0.61
Al2O3 12.00% 0.37
SiO2 62.00% 3.24
B2O3 7.00% 0.32
Oxide Weight 314.14
Formula Weight 314.14

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A frit manufacturer that used to publish chemistry

This picture has its own page with more detail, click here to see it.

I was impressed with this frit company, Reimbold & Strick. Their frit data was educational, by studying the chemistry of their matte frits, for example, you could see the various mechanisms that produce the effect. But, it is no longer available. However, with a little determination you could likely find the pages at the internet archive (see link below).


Materials Frit
Frits are made by melting mixes of raw materials, quenching the melt in water, grinding the pebbles into a powder. Frits have chemistries raw materials cannot.
Typecodes Frit
A frit is the powdered form a man-made glass. Frits are premelted, then ground to a glass. They have tightly controlled chemistries, they are available for glazes of all types.
Reimbold & Strick Frit chart with chemistry


Co-efficient of Linear Expansion 75 x 10-7 (20-400C)
Frit Softening Point 640C
Glass Transition Temperature 600C
By Tony Hansen
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